Chapter 29: Costa del Sol

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Cindy leaned over the railing of the ship, feeling the gentle sway of the ocean beneath her and letting out a deep sigh. The vast expanse of water stretched out before her, mirroring the tumultuous currents of her own thoughts. She was on her way to Costa del Sol, a destination chosen at Tseng's insistence. He had insisted that she take a break, a notion that seemed foreign and unsettling to her amidst the chaos of Shinra's ever-demanding schedule.

"Cindy!" A familiar voice called out to her, breaking through the haze of her thoughts. She turned to see Cissnei, the female Turk, making her way over, her footsteps echoing softly against the deck of the ship. Over the past few months, they had become steady acquaintances, often finding themselves assisting each other with paperwork or sharing brief moments of respite amidst the rigors of their respective duties.

Cindy propped her elbow on the railing, resting her chin on her palm as she regarded the water ahead with a sense of resignation. "Hey, Cissnei," she replied, her tone tinged with a hint of weariness.

Cissnei nudged her playfully, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Don't look so down. You needed a break," she remarked, her words carrying a note of genuine concern.

Cindy sighed, a heavy weight settling in the pit of her stomach. "Why are you and Tseng even here? To watch me?" she asked, her voice betraying the frustration and exhaustion that gnawed at her from within.

Cissnei's expression softened, her gaze meeting Cindy's with a mixture of sympathy and understanding. "Our vacations just happened to line up," she explained, her tone gentle yet reassuring.

Cindy rolled her eyes, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "Yeah, sure," she muttered, unable to shake the feeling that their presence was more than mere coincidence.

"You'll feel better on the beach. The warm sun, cool water," Cissnei insisted, her voice gentle yet persuasive. "Plus, we finally have Hollander in custody. It's the perfect time to take a load off."

Cindy leaned forward, her eyes fixed on the rhythmic dance of the waves crashing against the side of the ship. The salt-tinged breeze stirred her hair, carrying with it a faint promise of solace amidst the turmoil that had consumed her thoughts. "I'll try," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "But no promises."

Once they finally arrived, Cindy noted with a hint of discomfort that it was indeed warm. The sun beat down on the sandy shores of Costa del Sol, casting a golden glow over the picturesque scene.

As they walked off the ship, Cindy couldn't help but let out a sigh of exasperation. "Why is it so hot?" she muttered, the heat already starting to seep into her skin despite her casual attire.

Cissnei, ever unfazed by the heat, simply laughed at Cindy's discomfort. "You're just used to the cold city," she teased, reaching out to grab Cindy's hand. "Come on, let's go swimming."

Cindy hesitated, her reluctance evident in the furrow of her brow. "Can't I at least put my bag in my room?" she protested, already feeling the weight of her belongings pressing against her shoulder.

But Cissnei was having none of it, her determination unwavering. "No way," she declared with a playful grin. "Then you'll refuse to leave."

Cindy made a face, conceding defeat with a resigned sigh. Cissnei had a point—once she settled into her room, she was unlikely to emerge anytime soon. Reluctantly, she followed Cissnei's lead, allowing herself to be dragged towards the inviting embrace of the sparkling ocean.

Cindy couldn't deny the beauty of the scene before her—the pristine white sand stretching out beneath her feet, the gentle rustle of palm trees in the warm breeze, and the endless expanse of blue water that seemed to stretch on forever.

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