Chapter 20: Hollander

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Mako Reactor 5 loomed before Zack, Cindy, and Sephiroth, its eerie glow casting strange shadows across the entrance. They entered the facility, aware that their mission to locate Angeal and confront the mysterious monsters was far from over. The air inside was heavy with the presence of Mako energy, and the humming of the reactor reverberated through the walls.

As they ventured further into the reactor, the surroundings grew more ominous. Dark corridors seemed to stretch endlessly, and the ambient lighting cast unsettling shadows. Their footsteps echoed through the cold, metallic structure, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Before long, the echoing growls and screeches of strange monsters reached their ears, signaling the presence of a formidable threat. Zack and Cindy quickly drew their weapons, ready to face whatever sinister creatures lay in their path.

The monsters emerged from the shadows, grotesque and menacing, their forms twisted and deformed by Mako exposure. Zack and Cindy sprang into action, their teamwork and training allowing them to swiftly take down the creatures with precision and finesse.

Despite the eerie and disorienting surroundings, they moved like a well-oiled machine, ensuring that no harm befell each other. Each monster that stood in their way was vanquished without hesitation, the determination to complete their mission pushing them forward.

Amidst the carnage, Sephiroth moved with an almost otherworldly grace, dispatching the monsters with a single stroke of his blade. His presence was a reassuring anchor, providing Zack and Cindy with an added layer of security.

With the last of the monsters defeated, the trio examined the grotesque remains of one of the creatures, their brows furrowed in confusion and curiosity. Cindy, her voice tinged with disbelief, broke the silence.

"Is that Angeal's face...?"

Sephiroth's gaze remained impassive as he examined the monster. "It appears Genesis isn't the only one who can be copied. Hollander must be behind this."

Cindy, her confusion evident, couldn't help but ask, "Who is that?"

Sephiroth's gaze shifted to Cindy, and he provided a brief explanation. "A Shinra scientist who vanished after stealing the copy technology."

Zack questioned the connection. "Are you saying that Hollander and Genesis are working together?"


Cindy inquired. "What is it that they're after...?"

Sephiroth's conclusion was straightforward. "Hollander lost his bid for the leadership of the Science Department. He has borne a grudge against Shinra ever since. Revenge is most likely his objective."

Zack couldn't help but express his disdain. "That's just petty. Are you telling me that Genesis is supporting that idiotic cause?"

Sephiroth acknowledged Zack's sentiments. "I would prefer not to believe it, but..."

Zack interjected with conviction. "Then don't believe it."

Sephiroth conceded, "Very well, I won't." He continued, "The company training room..."

Zack, intrigued, turned to him. "Hm?"

Sephiroth's expression remained enigmatic as he continued. "We used to sneak in there for fun when the 2nds were out... Genesis, Angeal, and I."

"You guys were pretty tight."

Sephiroth's tone was somewhat wistful as he contemplated the past. "Humph. I wonder..."

Cindy, curious about Sephiroth's pondering, pressed further. "What is it?"

Sephiroth's demeanor was somber as he turned his attention back to the grotesque monster lying on the floor. "Genesis and I were sparring, things grew intense. He was injured."

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