Chapter 9: SOLDIER Tension

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The atmosphere at Shinra was palpably tense as Zack and Cindy arrived that morning. Something felt amiss, and the usual bustle of activity was replaced with an air of uncertainty. Cindy couldn't help but sense that something had gone awry, but before she could inquire, Angeal's voice echoed through the corridor as he approached them with a grave expression.

"Zack, Cindy," Angeal began, his voice carrying the weight of concern. "We have a situation. Genesis has gone missing."

Zack's eyes widened in surprise, his brows furrowing as he processed the information. Cindy, who had only heard about Genesis in passing, was equally taken aback, though she understood the importance of the situation.

"Missing?" Zack questioned, his tone a mixture of confusion and worry. "What happened?"

Angeal sighed and gestured for them to follow him into his office. Once inside, he closed the door, further emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

"We're not entirely sure," Angeal admitted, his expression troubled. "He was last seen near Wutai, but he abruptly cut off all contact. We're concerned that something might have happened to him, or that he's gone rogue."

Zack's jaw tightened as he contemplated the implications of Genesis going rogue. This was a fellow SOLDIER, and the thought of one of their own going astray was concerning.

"We need to find him," Zack stated with determination.

Angeal nodded, appreciating Zack's commitment. "That's why I've gathered the best we have. We're mounting a rescue mission to Wutai. Zack, Cindy, I'm assigning you both to this mission."

Cindy's heart raced at the prospect of a high-stakes operation like this. It was a stark departure from the camaraderie and bonding they'd experienced the previous evening. But she understood the gravity of the situation and the responsibility that came with being part of SOLDIER.

Zack, too, was aware of the magnitude of the mission. "We'll do whatever it takes to bring Genesis back, sir."

Angeal appreciated their resolve. "Good. You'll be briefed on the mission details soon. Prepare yourselves."

As they left Angeal's office, the weight of their new mission pressed down on them. The carefree atmosphere they'd experienced the night before now seemed like a distant memory, replaced by the urgency of a rescue mission that would test their skills and bonds as members of SOLDIER.

The news of Genesis's disappearance weighed heavily on Zack's mind as he walked alongside Cindy. It was not just nervousness but a deep concern that gnawed at him. Genesis, one of the most prominent figures in SOLDIER, going missing was a cause for alarm. He grumbled to Cindy, "This whole situation is messed up. We should just send Sephiroth."

The mention of Sephiroth's name sent an unexpected shockwave through her consciousness. It was as if an invisible hand had reached into her mind, gripping her thoughts and emotions with an intensity. Her temples throbbed with a sharp, searing pain, and she clutched her head in agony. "Sephiroth..." she muttered, her voice trembling.

Zack's concern grew as he noticed Cindy's reaction. He stopped, "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Cindy, trying to brush it off, assumed it was nothing more than the remnants of a hangover from the night before. "I'm fine, just a little headache, I guess," she replied, forcing a smile.

They continued walking through the corridors of the Shinra building, but the discomfort in her head persisted, and Cindy couldn't help but dwell on the name that had triggered it – Sephiroth.

Zack, trying to lighten the mood, decided to continue their conversation. "You know, Sephiroth is a war hero, the best SOLDIER Shinra has ever seen," he said, sharing his admiration for the legendary warrior.

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