Chapter 36: I Can't Lose You

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Cindy quietly descended the stairs alone the next morning, careful not to wake up Zack or Cloud. The early light filtered through the windows, casting a gentle glow across the room.

Stepping outside, she spotted Tifa standing near the entrance, looking contemplative. Cindy approached her, curiosity piqued.

Tifa turned to her, concern evident in her eyes. "Sephiroth is apparently at Shinra Manor."

Cindy's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "That big mansion?"

Tifa nodded, her expression serious. "Yes. Shinra has owned it for a long time."

Cindy took a moment to process this information, then nodded resolutely. "Thanks for letting me know, Tifa."

With a determined stride, Cindy parted ways with Tifa, deciding to investigate the mansion herself. She remembered the brief exploration she and Zack had undertaken when they first arrived, but they hadn't delved deeply into its secrets. Now was the time to see what was really going on over there, and why Sephiroth had chosen to be there.

As she approached the imposing structure of Shinra Manor, its old, weathered facade loomed over her. The air around the mansion seemed heavier, filled with an eerie silence that hinted at the mysteries within. Cindy steeled herself, ready to uncover the truths hidden inside.

She opened the large door, its creak echoing through the desolate halls as she stepped inside. The interior was completely run down, with cobwebs hanging thickly from the once-grand chandelier, now a mere ghost of its former glory.

How could such a run-down place be of any significance?

She wandered cautiously through the lobby, her footsteps stirring up dust that had settled over the years. She began checking the rooms on the main floor, some of which were locked, while others were simply empty, their contents long since abandoned.

Peering into one of the rooms through a small gap in the door, Cindy strained to see inside. The doors wouldn't budge, but she could make out vague shapes in the dim light.

Suddenly, a voice broke the eerie silence. "Cindy..."

Her heart skipped a beat. Was a ghost talking to her?

"Hello?" she called out cautiously, her voice trembling slightly. Her heartbeat started to quicken, pounding loudly in her ears.

Just then, she felt hands grip her shoulders. "Boo."

She jumped, spinning around in fright. When she saw who it was, she let out an exasperated huff. "Zack..."

He was laughing hysterically, finding immense amusement in her reaction. Cindy, however, didn't find it funny at all. "It's not funny! This place is probably haunted!"

"Sorry, sorry," Zack said, still chuckling. He raised his hands in defense before letting them fall to his sides, a playful smile lingering on his lips. "You been here long?"

Cindy shook her head, still trying to calm her racing heart. "Not too long. I was just trying to see if I could find any clues about Sephiroth."

Zack's smile softened, and he nodded. "Well, let's check it out together. This place gives me the creeps too, you know."

They wandered deeper into the mansion, their footsteps echoing through the silent, dusty halls. The dim light filtering through the grime-coated windows cast long, eerie shadows that seemed to dance on the walls. Cindy stepped into one of the rooms, her eyes methodically scanning the area.

The room was a snapshot of neglect. The bed, once plush, was now covered in a thick layer of dust. The bookcase was filled with books that seemed on the verge of disintegration, and the desk was cluttered with old papers and relics of a forgotten past.

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