Chapter 30: i love you

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Zack and Cindy sat side by side on the beach, the sand providing a soft cushion beneath them as they watched the sky transition into shades of orange with the setting sun. Tseng and Cissnei had retreated to their respective rooms, leaving Zack and Cindy alone with their thoughts.

Despite the serene setting, there was still a mild awkwardness between them, the result of their prolonged separation. Cindy sat cross-legged, absently drawing shapes into the sand, breaking the silence with a soft inquiry, "How's Kunsel?"

Zack reclined on the sand, his arms crossed behind his head, his gaze fixed on the ever-changing hues of the sky above. "Good. He was a good shoulder to cry on," he responded, his tone reflecting a mix of gratitude and melancholy.

A pang of guilt tugged at Cindy's heart as she looked at him, her expression clouded with remorse. "Zack... I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you," she admitted, her absence weighing heavily on her conscience.

Meeting her gaze, Zack's expression softened, a hint of embarrassment coloring his features. "It's okay, I wouldn't want you seeing me cry anyways," he admitted, a wistful smile playing at the corners of his lips. Zack returned his gaze to the sky, the fading light casting a warm glow on his features. "That doesn't mean I didn't miss you though," he confessed, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability.

Cindy hummed softly in response, her eyes focused on the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. Deciding to be vulnerable, Cindy took a deep breath and stood up from where she had been seated on the beach. The soft glow of the setting sun painted the sky in warm hues, casting a gentle light on the sands around them. Zack, who had been reclining on the sand, watched her curiously as she began to discard her clothes, revealing her swimsuit underneath.

"What are you doing?" he asked, a mixture of surprise and curiosity evident in his tone.

Cindy turned to face him, her movements deliberate yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "I've never been swimming before," she confessed, her voice soft but resolute. Meeting Zack's eyes, she extended a hand towards him, a silent invitation. "Teach me?"

Zack, momentarily taken aback by her revelation, looked into her eyes. There was a vulnerable sincerity in her gaze that resonated with him. After a brief pause, he nodded, allowing her to pull him up from the sand.

The closeness between them was palpable, the air charged with a quiet tension. Their eyes locked for a moment, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them. Zack then took a step back, breaking the gaze, and began to remove his shirt. Despite the surprise, his expression softened into a warm smile as he looked at Cindy.

As nervousness started to creep in, Cindy felt a flutter of uncertainty in the pit of her stomach. With trembling fingers, she brushed against Zack's hand before finally taking it in hers, the warmth of his touch offering a reassuring anchor amidst her swirling emotions.

Zack couldn't help but grin at her gesture of vulnerability as she guided him into the water. The cool embrace of the ocean enveloped them, the gentle waves lapping against their bodies in a soothing rhythm.

Once the water was at their waists, Cindy came to a stop, her gaze fixed on Zack with a hint of hesitation. Sensing her unspoken question, Zack met her eyes with a reassuring smile.

Cindy nodded in understanding, a sense of determination replacing her initial trepidation. With a nod, she let go of his hand, allowing him to take the lead. Zack moved ahead, signaling for her to venture further into the water.

She hesitated for a moment, uncertainty flickering in her eyes, before summoning her resolve and continuing forward. Step by step, she waded deeper into the ocean until she was fully submerged, her feet no longer touching the ground beneath her.

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