Chapter 35: Jenova

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As they entered the facility, an unsettling vibe permeated the air, thickening with each step they took. Their path led them up a staircase, where they were confronted with a locked door bearing a name written in large font: JENOVA. Zack's curiosity was piqued.

"JENOVA... interesting," he remarked, his voice tinged with a mixture of intrigue and caution. "The door is... sealed, of course."

Turning away from the door, Zack paused before suddenly pivoting back towards it, his eyes widening in realization.

"Jenova...?" he muttered, a flicker of recognition flashing across his features. He glanced back at Cindy, his expression troubled, before noticing Sephiroth descending the stairs.

They immediately followed Sephiroth down the steps. He glanced around the chambers before him.

"This is the cause of the malfunction. This section is broken. Zack, go seal the valve."

Almost muttering to himself, Sephiroth added, "Why did it break?"

Cindy stood behind him, cautiously asking, "What is that...?"

He stepped aside to let her peer inside. "You average SOLDIER members are mako-infused humans. You're enhanced, but you're still human. But then, what are those things? Their mako energy levels are exponentially higher than yours."

Cindy felt a chill run down her spine as she peered into the chamber. The sight before her was both fascinating and horrifying. "Are they...monsters?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Sephiroth, his expression as unreadable as ever, replied in his usual monotone, "Yes. The Shinra scientist Hojo was the one who created them. Abominations spawned by mako energy... That's what monsters are."

Cindy shuddered at the thought, her mind racing with questions she dared not voice. Just then, Zack joined them, having finished sealing the valve. He glanced at the creatures, then turned to Sephiroth. "You said 'average' member. What about you?"

Sephiroth's gaze was steady, but there was a hint of something—perhaps pride or disdain—in his eyes.

All of a sudden, Sephiroth gripped his head, his expression contorted with an unexpected surge of turmoil. The question had thrown him into chaos, shaking the foundation of his identity.

"Hey, Sephiroth!" Zack called out, concern lacing his voice as he tried to reach him. But Sephiroth pushed him away, his strength fueled by the confusion and fear that now gripped him.

"Could it be...that I...? ...was created the same way? Am I the same as these monsters?"

His voice wavered, a rare glimpse of vulnerability breaking through his usual stoic demeanor. Sephiroth's eyes, normally so cold and calculating, were filled with a profound uncertainty as he continued, "Am I...a human being?"

"No such luck. You are a monster."

Genesis stepped forward, his voice dripping with a mixture of disdain and resignation. "Sephiroth... You were the greatest monster created by the Jenova Project."

Cindy's eyes widened in shock. "Genesis... So you are alive!"

Genesis gave a bitter laugh. "I suppose I am, if you can call this living."

Sephiroth's expression hardened as he turned to Genesis. "What is the Jenova Project?"

"The Jenova Project... was the term used for all experiments... relating to the use of Jenova's cells."

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