Chapter 16: Banora

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The moment Zack and Cindy arrived back at Shinra, their lives in SOLDIER swiftly returned to their usual complex and confusing state. Angeal was still nowhere to be found, and the absence of their mentor and friend weighed heavily on them all. Zack's anxiety, which had started to fade during his time off, began to creep in once again.

As Zack's unease became palpable, Cindy noticed the signs of his spiraling thoughts. She knew how much Angeal's disappearance was affecting him, and she couldn't stand to see him in this state. She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and offered words of comfort, "Don't worry, Zack. We'll find him. Let's head to the director's office."

Her simple gesture of support meant the world to him. Zack smiled, his gratitude evident in his eyes, and nodded as they made their way to Director Lazard's office.

Once they entered the office, Zack, unable to contain his concern, wasted no time and got straight to the point, "Any word on Angeal?"

Lazard's expression remained grave as he responded, "No... He hasn't contacted his family either."

Cindy was no less worried than Zack about Angeal's mysterious disappearance. She spoke up, her voice laced with a mix of determination and apprehension, "So what's next?"

Lazard paused, his gaze unwavering as he chose his words carefully, "A new assignment. I want you to go to the hometown of our missing SOLDIER 1st Class, Genesis."

Lazard continued with the briefing, the weight of their assignment evident in the lines etched on his face. "I had already dispatched some staff, but we've lost contact. I want you to go and investigate."

As the gravity of the mission sank in, another presence in the room caught their attention. Tseng, a member of the Turks, Shinra's elite intelligence and special operations unit, stepped forward. His demeanor was as calm and collected as ever, but his presence added an air of mystery to the situation.

Zack couldn't help but voice his unease, "This job is looking really gloomy..."

Tseng, acknowledging the sentiment with a subtle nod, responded with his usual calmness, "Let me know when you're ready to go."

With the briefing concluded, Zack and Cindy left the room, finding themselves thrust into yet another chapter of their SOLDIER journey. The uncertainty surrounding Angeal's disappearance was now undeniably intertwined with the mysteries surrounding Genesis.

Their journey had taken them to the quaint town of Banora. As they arrived, the sight of unique and peculiar trees caught their attention. The trees had twisted branches adorned with curious-looking apples, a strange sight indeed.

Zack, always one to comment on his observations, couldn't help but remark, "Weird-looking trees."

Tseng, the Turk known for his preference for concise explanations, chimed in to provide context, "These are Banora White trees. AKA dumbapples."

Cindy's eyes widened with realization as the pieces began to fall into place. "Wait, that means we're in Banora Village? Angeal's hometown?"

Tseng confirmed her observation with a simple, "That is correct. Genesis and Angeal have known each other for a long time."

The significance of their location was not lost on any of them. They were standing in a place deeply connected to both Angeal and Genesis, and they were determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of their comrades.

As they navigated the quaint town, their footsteps echoing in the quiet streets, they eventually arrived at a grand house that exuded wealth and prosperity. Tseng, the knowledgeable guide, pointed at the house, revealing, "This is Genesis's home. His parents are wealthy landowners."

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