Chapter 14: Another Night Out

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They made their way back into the building, the anticipation of a relaxing evening hanging in the air. Zack pulled out his phone and dialed Kunsel's number, the excitement in his voice evident.

"Hey, man," Zack began as the call connected, "Cindy and I are grabbing a drink. You wanna come?"

Cindy couldn't help but overhear Kunsel's enthusiastic response. Through the phone, she could hear him yell, "Hell, yeah!" A chuckle escaped her lips as she imagined his excitement on the other end of the line.

Once in the elevator, as it descended to the ground floor, there was a small sense of déjà vu. The mirrored walls of the elevator, the soft hum of the machinery, it all seemed familiar.

Cindy and Zack exchanged glances, acknowledging the unspoken memories of that first hangout. Their lives were drastically different now, and the bond they'd formed since that night had grown stronger. The elevator doors slid open, and the duo stepped out into the bustling lobby of the Shinra building.

Kunsel, waiting near the entrance with his signature grin, greeted them excitedly. "Heyo!" he exclaimed, his energy infectious. "I know a really cool spot, let's go!"

Zack and Cindy chuckled, sharing a glance that said, 'Why are we not surprised?'

With Kunsel leading the way, the trio set off into the night. The city held its own kind of magic, a tapestry of lights, sounds, and experiences. As they ventured into the heart of Midgar, they left behind the complexities of SOLDIER life for a few hours, embracing the simple joy of friendship and camaraderie.

Zack, Cindy, and Kunsel ventured further into Midgar, their footsteps echoing against the bustling city streets. The vibrant energy of the city surrounded them as they made their way to their destination.

They arrived at a busy bar, its entrance filled with laughter, chatter, and the lively clinking of glasses. The atmosphere was infectious, with people from all walks of life coming together to unwind and have fun. Cindy couldn't help but feel a little nervous being around so many people, but the presence of her friends offered a reassuring anchor.

They walked over to the bartender, who was keeping up with the demands of the evening's crowd. Kunsel leaned forward, raising his voice above the din of the bar to place their order.

"Three beers, please!" he requested, making sure their drinks would arrive promptly. The bartender nodded and got to work.

With drinks in hand, Zack, Cindy, and Kunsel found a spot to sit, a corner booth with a good view of the bar and its patrons. The dim lighting and music playing in the background created the perfect ambiance for an evening of relaxation.

Kunsel, always the conversationalist, was the first to speak, turning his attention to Cindy. "So, Cindy. Your Mako infusion was today, right? How do you feel?"

Cindy pondered for a moment, the events of the day swirling in her mind. "The same... but different?" she finally replied, her words tinged with uncertainty. The infusion had altered her abilities, but she was still the same Cindy at heart.

Zack couldn't help but chuckle at her response. "Your eyes are definitely different. I told you you'd get them someday!" he teased, recalling their conversation in the elevator during their first night out together.

Cindy smiled, her fingertips lightly tracing the outline of her changed eye color. "Yeah, I guess you were right."

Kunsel, raising his beer for a toast, joined the conversation with a warm grin. "Congrats! You're finally one of us! The green suits you."

Cindy laughed, touched by her friends' support. "Thanks, Kunsel. It means a lot to have you guys with me."

As the night wore on and the drinks kept flowing, the bar buzzed with energy. The worries and responsibilities of their SOLDIER lives began to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and a carefree spirit.

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