Chapter 23: Confessions

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The next morning unfolded with a gradual rise of sunlight. Zack, still immersed in the remnants of sleep, groggily opened his eyes. A yawn escaped him, followed by a satisfying stretch as he adjusted to the new day. Glancing around, he found himself on the couch in the living room, having offered his room to Cindy for the night.

Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes, and his gaze drifted toward the kitchen where his mother, Elle, was seated at the table. "Morning, Mom," he greeted with a soft smile.

Elle returned the smile, her warmth evident in her eyes. "Good morning, dear. How did you sleep?"

Zack let out a light chuckle, a hint of stiffness in his muscles. "I think I should buy you a new couch," he teased, stretching out the kinks.

She chuckled in return, motioning for him to join her at the table. Pouring him a cup of coffee, she continued, "It was nice of you to give her your room." Zack nodded appreciatively, taking a sip of the coffee. Elle hesitated for a moment before broaching a more delicate topic. "I think she's a lovely girl. You... love her."

His cheeks flushed, and he focused on his mug, fidgeting with the handle. "Mom..."

Elle gently grasped his hand, urging him to meet her gaze. "Zack, I've always taught you to be honest, especially about your feelings. I see how much you care for her, and I believe she feels the same."

Zack shook his head, a mixture of embarrassment and uncertainty crossing his features. "It's complicated. We work together, and our jobs are dangerous. I... don't want to jeopardize our friendship."

Elle let out a soft chuckle, her eyes reflecting understanding. "My dear, I saw you two last night. I think you are already beyond mere friendship."

Zack's embarrassment deepened, and he mumbled, "You saw that, huh..."

Elle squeezed his hand gently, a reassuring smile on her face. "Love is a beautiful thing, Zack. Sometimes, you have to embrace it and see where it takes you."

As they shared a quiet moment, the weight of unspoken emotions lingered in the air. The challenges of their respective lives and the uncertainties of the future seemed momentarily distant. In the comforting embrace of Elle's understanding, Zack contemplated the complexities of his feelings, unsure of the path ahead.

Before the conversation could delve deeper, Cindy entered the room, a beacon of morning radiance. "Good morning," she greeted, her voice a melody that filled the space.

Zack's gaze instinctively turned toward her, and his eyes widened in genuine surprise. Cindy, usually clad in the practical attire of SOLDIER, now adorned a dress that flowed down to her knees. The contrast was striking, and a subtle hint of embarrassment played on her features.

Elle, ever the enthusiastic one, couldn't contain her delight. "Oh! I knew that dress would fit you perfectly! You look beautiful, sweetheart." She clapped her hands, the sound resonating with maternal pride.

Cindy's cheeks flushed with a mix of appreciation and self-consciousness. "I've never worn a dress before...I feel a little uncomfortable."

Elle, undeterred, stood up and reached Cindy, cupping her face in her hands. "Don't be silly. It suits you. Doesn't she look beautiful, Zack?"

Caught off guard, Zack felt a lump in his throat, momentarily captivated by the transformation before him. "Y-Yeah, you look amazing," he stammered, a soft smile gracing his lips.

Embarrassed by the attention, Cindy cast her gaze downward. "T-Thanks..."

Elle, the embodiment of maternal warmth, guided Cindy to the table, urging her to take a seat. With all of them settled, Elle poured a cup of coffee for Cindy, a small ritual of hospitality. Cindy murmured her thanks, holding the warm mug in her hands.

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