Chapter 10: The First Mission

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After Cindy's unsettling experience in the medical bay and Zack's reassuring words, they gathered themselves, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The urgent mission to find Genesis was of the utmost importance, and they couldn't afford to let anything deter them.

They met up with Angeal in the briefing room, where the atmosphere was filled with a sense of urgency. Angeal had been keeping himself updated on the situation and was ready to introduce Zack and Cindy to the next phase of the mission.

"Zack, Cindy," Angeal began as they entered the room, his voice stern but supportive. "I need to introduce you to Director Lazard. He's overseeing this mission."

Director Lazard was a commanding presence, his dark suit and piercing gaze emphasizing his authority. As they stepped closer, he nodded at them, his expression formal yet welcoming. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you, Zack, and Cindy. I understand that you're prepared for the importance of this mission."

Zack and Cindy exchanged a quick, determined glance before nodding. "Yes, sir," they replied in unison, emphasizing their readiness for the task at hand.

Angeal turned to Cindy, his expression softening. "Cindy, you've proven yourself during your training. This mission is a chance for you to shine."

Cindy's gratitude was evident as she replied, "Thank you, Angeal. I won't let you down."

Angeal addressed the group with a sense of urgency. "Once you're packed, we'll leave at once. This mission is of utmost importance, and we cannot afford to delay."

With their orders in place, Zack, Cindy, and Angeal quickly prepared for their mission to Wutai. The journey ahead was filled with uncertainty and challenges, but it was also an opportunity for Cindy to prove her worth. As they left for Mount Tamblin, they knew that their paths were leading them into the heart of danger, but they were prepared to face whatever lay ahead in their pursuit of answers and justice.

Their preparations were swift and efficient. Zack and Cindy gathered their gear, making sure to equip themselves with everything they might need for a mission of this magnitude. Angeal, ever the vigilant leader, double-checked their supplies and ensured that they were well-prepared for any scenario.

Once they were ready, the trio made their way to the Shinra helicopter pad, where a sleek and formidable helicopter awaited them. The powerful machine was a testament to Shinra's technological prowess, and it was clear that no expense had been spared in its design.

As they boarded the helicopter, Cindy couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. This was her first real mission, a chance to prove herself to her fellow SOLDIERs and to herself. She glanced at Zack, who wore a determined expression, his eyes filled with unwavering confidence. Cindy drew strength from his presence, knowing that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together.

Their destination was Mount Tamblin, a remote and treacherous region in the heart of Wutai. It was rumored to be Genesis's possible hideout, and it was their mission to locate and apprehend him.

As they neared their destination, the helicopter descended, carefully navigating the rugged terrain of Mount Tamblin. The lush greenery of the forest gave way to rocky slopes and sheer cliffs. The chopper touched down in a small clearing, and the trio disembarked, their boots hitting the ground with a sense of purpose.

As Angeal led Zack and Cindy through the dense forest towards Fort Tamblin, their excitement and anticipation grew. The mission was in full swing, and the trio was eager to prove their worth as members of SOLDIER.

Angeal's voice cut through the tension, directing their attention forward. "Fort Tamblin is straight ahead. Let's hurry; B Unit is standing by."

Their approach didn't go unnoticed, and a Wutai Private soon confronted them, demanding identification.

Zack, ever confident, stepped forward with a grin. "Just leave it to me!"

A fierce battle ensued, with Zack demonstrating his combat prowess. Cindy watched in awe as he effortlessly dispatched his opponent.

After the battle, Angeal couldn't help but chuckle at Zack's boundless energy. "Calm down, Zack."

But Zack was determined to make an impression. "No can do. The director is watching from somewhere, right?"

Cindy found Zack's enthusiasm amusing, and a small smile played on her lips. Angeal, on the other hand, had something else on his mind.

"Do you know about dumbapples?" Angeal asked Cindy.

Cindy shook her head, genuinely curious. "No, what is that?"

Angeal seemed taken aback. "Unbelievable... How can you not know about dumbapples? You'll never move up the ranks at this rate."

Zack, feeling left out, jumped into the conversation. "Whoa, wait! What are dumbapples!?"

As Angeal continued to walk ahead, Cindy and Zack followed, eager to learn more.

Angeal explained with a hint of nostalgia, "The official name is Banora White. The trees bear fruit at random times during the year. Because of that, the townspeople affectionately call them dumbapples. The local farms had plenty to spare."

Zack couldn't resist teasing Angeal. "Oh, really? So you stole them."

Angeal defended himself, saying, "We were poor, Zack."

Zack, not one to back down, playfully retorted, "Nice excuse!"

Angeal continued, "But even then, I had my honor. The largest Banora White tree grew on a wealthy man's estate. It was rumored that those apples tasted the best. But I never stole from that tree, because the wealthy man's son was my friend."

Cindy, with her practical outlook, chimed in, "If he was a friend, you should have just asked for some."

Angeal shrugged, trying to explain his sense of honor. "Honor can be quite a burden at times."

Zack, impatient for the point of the story, questioned, "And what exactly does this have to do with us?"

Angeal responded with a chuckle, "No story is not worth hearing."

As they reached the top of a hill, overlooking Fort Tamblin, they crouched down and waited for further instructions.

Angeal outlined their plan. "B Unit will set off an explosion. That's our cue."

Cindy nodded, understanding the importance. "The diversion will allow us to infiltrate."

Angeal turned to Zack with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Right. I'll set the bomb inside the fortress. You'll charge the front gate, and..."

Zack leaned in eagerly, hanging on to Angeal's every word. "Uh-huh, and? And? And? And?"

Angeal couldn't help but indulge Zack's enthusiasm. "Indulge yourself."

Zack's grin widened, and he couldn't contain his excitement. "You got it! That's what I do best!"

As they prepared to embark on their mission, Cindy couldn't help but notice something about Angeal's sword. She had never seen him use it, as Angeal had always relied on a training sword during their practice sessions.

"I've never actually seen you use that," Cindy remarked, pointing to Angeal's sword. "Don't you think it's sort of a waste?"

Angeal's response was typically pragmatic. "Use brings about wear, tear, and rust. And that's a real waste."

Cindy was amused by Angeal's frugality. "You're serious, aren't you?"

Angeal nodded. "Yeah. I can be pretty cheap."

Zack couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, no kidding."

Cindy couldn't help but feel a new sense of connection to her mentor.

Angeal shifted the conversation. "Begin mission."

Cindy and Zack exchanged determined glances, ready to prove themselves as they leaped off the cliff and headed towards the fort. Their first mission together had officially begun, and they were eager to face whatever challenges lay ahead as a team.

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