Chapter 19: SOLDIER 1st Class, Zack Fair

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A month had quickly gone by. Officially, Genesis and Angeal were declared killed in action, a cover-up story that concealed the ugly truth of their desertion from Shinra. The public remained unaware of the turmoil that had engulfed SOLDIER, and the organization wanted to keep it that way.

Zack and Cindy, though performing their missions seamlessly, couldn't shake the weight of uncertainty lingering from Angeal and Genesis' betrayal. In the locker room, where routine days unfolded, Zack found himself alone, gearing up for another mission.

The abrupt ring of his phone sliced through the thick fog of self-doubt enveloping Zack. Hastily, he snatched up the device, his fingers dancing over the screen to accept the call. "Zack here."

From the other end of the line, Sephiroth's voice, as smooth and controlled as ever, resonated. "It's been a while, Zack."

Zack's brows furrowed in surprise. "Sephiroth?"

His response was a tranquil command, "Come to Lazard's room."

"Alright." The word escaped Zack's lips, a thread of uncertainty lingering in the air as he acknowledged the summons.

Zack's footsteps echoed in the corridor as he made his way to Lazard's office. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

Lazard stood from his desk as Zack entered, and Zack snapped to attention. "Congratulations, Zack. As of this moment, you're promoted to SOLDIER 1st Class."

Zack couldn't help but feel a pang of irony. This was the moment he had always dreamed of, the achievement that had driven him to join SOLDIER in the first place. Yet, as he accepted the promotion, it felt strangely hollow. "Huh. I thought I'd be happier."

Lazard acknowledged the recent events. "Understandable. Too much happened too fast." But he had more to discuss. "Zack, I'm afraid I need your assistance again."

Zack's frustration flared, and he responded with a hint of attitude. He turned to Sephiroth. "Are you pushing another assignment on me?"

Sephiroth sighs. "My apologies."

Zack's irritation lingered, but he gave in. "Whatever."

Lazard had one more instruction to give. "I'll fill you in on the assignment, but before that... Go to the locker room and change into a SOLDIER 1st Class uniform."

Zack nodded and made his way to the locker room, the clank of his SOLDIER boots resonating in the empty corridors. As he approached the door, he couldn't shake the emotions brewing within. Each step seemed to echo the relentless questions swirling in his mind.

In the solitude of the locker room, Zack found himself standing before the mirror. He studied the new uniform, once a symbol of his aspirations, now a paradox of triumph and emptiness. The blue uniform, adorned with the mark of excellence, seemed to mock the tumultuous storm within him.

His fingers grazed over the emblem, a tangible reminder of his journey. The dreams of becoming a 1st Class SOLDIER had fueled his every step, but now, as he stood there, the reality felt like a distant mirage. The mirror, his silent confidant, bore witness to the duality of his emotions—triumph marred by an unsettling hollowness.

Finishing the ritual of changing into the uniform, he took a lingering moment to meet his own gaze in the mirror. His eyes, once gleaming with ambition, now betrayed a weariness that transcended the physical. The accomplishment that should have been a crowning glory now seemed like a muted victory, a tarnished laurel placed upon a conflicted warrior.

Before his thoughts threatened to overwhelm him, Cindy entered the locker room. The subtle hum of the ventilation system accompanied her cheerful greeting, "Hey." Her eyes swiftly scanned the room, and the sight of Zack in his new uniform caught her attention.

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