Chapter 37: How Could You?

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On the sixth day, Zack and Cindy wandered around the town, their mission dragging on longer than expected. There wasn't much for them to do; Sephiroth was still holed up in the mansion, and they feared for his psyche.

They found a quiet spot away from the bustle of the town and settled down quietly. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the buildings and dirt roads.

Zack sighed, leaning back against the bench. "I hate just sitting around. We should be doing something."

Cindy nodded, her eyes distant. "I know. But what can we do? He won't listen to us. He's too far gone into whatever he's found down there."

Zack frowned, staring up at the sky. "It's not like him. He's always been so composed. This... obsession... it's like he's a different person."

Cindy placed a hand on his arm, trying to offer some comfort. "We'll figure it out. We have to believe that he'll come around. Maybe he just needs more time."

Zack sighed again, the weight of their mission pressing heavily on him. "I hope you're right, Cindy. I really do."

They sat in silence for a while, each lost in their thoughts. The sounds of the town seemed distant, almost like a different world from the turmoil they were facing.

Eventually, Cindy broke the silence. "Do you think we should try talking to him again? Maybe he's had enough time to process everything."

Zack looked at her, uncertainty in his eyes. "Maybe. But if he's not ready... it could just make things worse."

Cindy nodded, understanding the delicate balance they were trying to maintain. "Let's give it one more day. If he's still not out of there by tomorrow, we'll go back and try to reach him again."

Zack agreed, though the gnawing worry in his chest didn't ease. "Yeah, one more day."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, they remained in their quiet spot, drawing strength from each other, preparing for whatever the next day might bring.

Little did they know, the next day would be the worst they would experience.

Flames engulfed the town, screams echoed through the air, and bodies lay strewn across the ground. The once peaceful village had become a scene of utter devastation.

Zack and Cindy looked around at the chaos, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and determination. They moved swiftly, helping anyone they could, pulling survivors from the wreckage, and offering comfort to those who were beyond saving.

Once they had done all they could for the people, they steeled themselves for what lay ahead. The realization struck Cindy like a bolt of lightning—her bad feelings about Sephiroth, the ominous visions from her past, it all made sense now.

As they stood there, Zack's voice trembled with a mix of anger and disbelief. "How could you...? Sephiroth, how could you...?"

Cindy stood frozen, her mind reeling. How could he? The man they once trusted, now the architect of such horror. Maybe it was true—maybe he really was a monster.

Suddenly, she felt two hands cup her face, pulling her back to the present. Zack's eyes were intense, filled with urgency and concern. "Cindy, we need to go."

Snapping back to reality, she nodded, her resolve hardening. They had to stop Sephiroth. They had to put an end to this nightmare. Together, they raced towards the reactor, ready to face whatever awaited them.

They reached the reactor, rushing up the stairs and heading inside. The air was thick with tension and the acrid smell of burning metal. The eerie glow of the reactor cast long shadows along the walls.

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