Chapter 13: Mako Infusion

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A heavy silence hung over the Shinra facility as a couple of days passed since Angeal's mysterious disappearance. For Zack, this period was a whirlwind of emotions – frustration, uncertainty, and the relentless search for answers. But amid the chaos of his thoughts, a ray of hope emerged.

Director Lazard had made a decision. Based on Cindy's remarkable performance during her first mission and Angeal's notes detailing her rapid progress, she was to officially join the ranks of SOLDIER. This news held the promise of new beginnings and, perhaps, a source of strength amid the uncertainty.

For Cindy, this day marked a significant step in her journey as SOLDIER. It was the day she would undergo the Mako infusion, a rite of passage that would complete her transformation into a fully-fledged member of the elite force.

She stood in Hojo's lab, her gaze wandering over the cold and clinical surroundings. The fluorescent lights cast an eerie glow, and the faint hum of machinery created a strange symphony.

Zack, loyal as ever, chose to stay with her. His mentor's disappearance still weighed heavily on his heart, but he was determined to set that aside for the moment, focusing on supporting Cindy in her transition to SOLDIER.

Hojo, the enigmatic scientist, entered the lab with his characteristic air of superiority. Cindy and Zack exchanged glances, apprehension written across their faces.

Hojo wasted no time and initiated a series of tests on Cindy, aiming to understand her biology. Tubes and wires connected to her, monitoring her every vital sign. She kept her composure despite the unsettling surroundings.

As Hojo conducted the tests, his sharp eyes noticed something unusual about Cindy's DNA. Her genetic code held peculiarities that deviated from the norm. His curiosity was piqued, but rather than raising any questions or concerns, he chose to keep the deviations to himself.

With an air of indifference, Hojo injected Cindy with a vial of the mysterious substance. As the liquid coursed through her veins, Zack watched with concern, his instincts on high alert. Standing by her side, he couldn't bear to see her anxious. He reached out and gently grabbed her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. His touch provided the support and comfort she needed, a silent promise that he was there for her through this unsettling process.

She felt energy surge within her, the Mako infusion altering her physical and magical abilities. Her eyes, once a deep shade, transformed into a bright bluish-green, a telltale sign of SOLDIER. As the last drop of the substance entered her bloodstream, they couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead in this new chapter of their lives.

As Cindy and Zack emerged from Professor Hojo's lab, the excitement of her newfound SOLDIER status still coursed through her veins. She felt a surge of power and purpose, a sensation she had never experienced before.

He couldn't help but notice the transformation in her, particularly her striking new eye color. "You look amazing," he remarked, a genuine smile lighting up his face. "That eye color suits you."

Cindy's cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment, but she appreciated the compliment. "Thanks, It's still sinking in, you know? Being a full-fledged SOLDIER."

Zack nodded, his own enthusiasm undiminished by the shadows of uncertainty that still loomed. "We should do something fun, just to take our minds off things for a while. How about we head to the rooftop? You can see the entire city from up there."

Her eyes sparkled with interest. The prospect of spending time together, away from the complexities of the mysteries that had been unraveling, was a welcome diversion. She agreed, and they made their way to the rooftop of the Shinra building. The view was breathtaking, with the sprawling metropolis of Midgar stretching out before them. The setting sun cast a warm, golden glow over the city, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink.

They found a spot to sit, the cool breeze ruffling their hair. The bustling city below seemed worlds away, and for a moment, it was just the two of them, sharing a tranquil moment in the midst of their chaotic lives.

As the sun's last rays dipped below the horizon, casting the city into darkness and causing the twinkling lights of Midgar to come to life, Cindy couldn't help but feel a sense of serenity wash over her. The worries and uncertainties that had clouded her mind seemed to temporarily recede, replaced by a feeling of calm and contentment.

Zack noticed the peaceful expression on Cindy's face and couldn't help but smile. It was moments like these that made the chaos and challenges of their lives in SOLDIER feel a bit more manageable. He leaned back, propping himself up on his arms as he gazed at the starry night sky.

"You know," Zack began, his voice soft and contemplative, "Sometimes, in the middle of all this craziness, it's easy to forget that there's beauty in the world. Moments like these, they make you appreciate what's out there beyond SOLDIER."

Cindy nodded in agreement, her eyes still fixed on the night sky. "Yeah, you're right."

They sat in silence for a while, just enjoying the tranquility of the moment and the company of each other. The rooftop offered a rare respite from their demanding lives, and they embraced it fully.

Zack finally broke the silence, his tone lighter. "So, Cindy, now that you're a full-fledged SOLDIER, what are you looking forward to the most?"

She pondered the question for a moment, her gaze returning to the city below. "I guess... I'm looking forward to making a difference. Maybe not on a grand scale, but if I can protect someone or help someone out, that would mean a lot to me."

He smiled at her response, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. "That's a noble goal. I have a feeling you're going to make a big impact in SOLDIER."

Cindy felt a warmth spread through her at Zack's words. His unwavering support and encouragement meant the world to her. "Thanks, Zack. And what about you? What are your dreams as SOLDIER?"

Zack's grin widened as he looked out at the city's lights. "Well, that's easy. I've always dreamed of becoming a hero, just like the ones in the stories I heard as a kid. I want to protect people, make a difference, and maybe leave a mark on history."

She couldn't help but be drawn to Zack's infectious enthusiasm and optimism. "I have no doubt you'll achieve that, Zack. You've got the heart of a hero."

They continued to talk and share their dreams and aspirations under the starlit sky, their worries momentarily pushed aside by the bond of friendship and the promise of a brighter future. In that moment, on the rooftop of the Shinra building, the world seemed full of possibilities, and they were determined to seize them together.

As he watched Cindy, bathed in the gentle glow of the city lights, he couldn't help but be entranced by her. Her words resonated with him, but it was more than just their shared sentiment about the world around them. In that moment, he realized how much she meant to him, how her presence had become an anchor in the whirlwind of SOLDIER life.

Her strength, resilience, and determination had captivated him from the moment they had met, but it was moments like these, where they could simply be themselves, that made him appreciate her even more. Zack had always been a believer in destiny and fate, and he couldn't shake the feeling that their paths had crossed for a reason.

Under the starlit sky, he found himself thinking about Cindy in a way he hadn't before. Her beauty, both inside and out, had a profound effect on him. He admired her dedication to her dreams and her unwavering support. Her presence brought a sense of peace and happiness that was hard to describe, and he knew that he cared for her deeply.

Lost in his thoughts, Zack suddenly became aware that he had been staring at her for longer than he intended. He quickly averted his gaze, his cheeks tinted with a faint blush. Maybe it was the serene setting, the quietude of the night, or the shared moments they had experienced recently, but he couldn't deny that he had developed feelings for her.

Yet, Zack was unsure how to broach the subject. He didn't want to jeopardize their friendship or make things awkward between them. For now, he decided to keep his newfound feelings to himself, content with the warmth and comfort of their companionship under the stars.

After a comfortable silence, Zack was the first to break it, a grin playing on his lips. "You in the mood for a drink?" he asked, his eyes reflecting the warmth of the evening. "I can call up Kunsel to come with."

Cindy's smile was all the confirmation he needed. "Sounds good to me," she replied, her enthusiasm matching his own.

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