Chapter 25: Me? Gongaga.

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As they emerged from the wreckage of the helicopter, the biting cold of the Modeo ravine greeted them with an icy embrace. Tseng, ever composed, checked his cellphone only to find no signal, a stark reminder of their isolation in the unforgiving wilderness.

Zack, brushing snow off his hair with a nonchalant shrug, offered reassurance to his companions. "Well, at least we're all in one piece. We'll be alright."

Cindy nodded in agreement, though she couldn't shake the slight quiver in her lip. Her uniform turtleneck tank top offered little protection against the biting cold, but she pushed aside her discomfort, steeling herself for the task at hand.

Tseng pocketed his phone with a calm demeanor. "Thankfully, we have someone used to this kind of terrain."

Zack waved off Tseng's remark with a grin. "Yeah, yeah, I'm a country boy..."

With a nod to his companions, Tseng took charge. "Alright, then. We would have reached Modeoheim by now if we hadn't crashed. So we're going to need to make up for lost time."

Without missing a beat, Zack set off down the path, his hand signaling for the others to follow. "All right, follow me, then!"

Cindy fell into step behind Zack, her breath visible in the crisp mountain air. The rugged landscape stretched out before them, a stark contrast to the familiar confines of Midgar. Every step brought them closer to their destination, but also deeper into the heart of uncertainty.

As they trekked through the snow-covered terrain, Zack led the way with a confidence born of his upbringing in the countryside. His familiarity with the wilderness proved invaluable as they navigated the rugged terrain, overcoming obstacles with a blend of determination and resourcefulness.

Tseng followed close behind, his keen observation and tactical expertise complementing Zack's more instinctual approach. Despite the urgency of their mission, he remained calm and focused.

Cindy, though physically unaccustomed to the harsh conditions, refused to let her discomfort deter her. Drawing strength from her companions and the shared purpose that bound them together, she pressed on with unwavering resolve.

As they journeyed deeper into the wilderness, the landscape grew increasingly treacherous, the biting cold and rugged terrain testing their endurance with each passing step.

As Cindy trudged through the snow-covered terrain, she couldn't ignore the uncomfortable sensation of snow seeping into her boots. With a frustrated sigh, she paused, shaking her feet in a futile attempt to dislodge the icy intrusion.

Beside her, Tseng waited patiently, his expression unreadable as always. Zack and the infantryman forged ahead, their figures growing increasingly distant against the vast expanse of white.

She glanced at Tseng, offering a grateful nod. "Thanks for waiting."

Tseng's response was brief, his stoic demeanor unchanged. "Let's go."

With a determined nod, Cindy resumed her trek, pushing through the discomfort with resolve. As they trailed behind Zack and the infantryman, she couldn't help but admire Tseng's unwavering composure in the face of adversity.

Suddenly, Zack's voice pierced through the quiet expanse, calling out to them. "Yo! Don't fall too far behind!"

Cindy shot him a thumbs up, a hint of determination in her eyes. Zack responded with a soft smile before turning his attention to the infantryman. "At least someone's keeping up!"

"Well, I'm a country boy, too," the infantryman replied, his voice carrying a hint of pride amidst the cold wind. Zack turned to him, a curious glint in his eye. "From where?"

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