˙⋆ Your Prince Will Come ⋆˙

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To the girl who didn't find Prince Charming at the first ball:

It's not because the glass slipper didn't fit.

It's not because you carved your foot to make the shoe fit.

It's not because you're the ugly stepsister.

It's because he wasn't holding the glass slipper meant for you.

It's because he wasn't your Prince Charming.

Cinderella belongs with the Prince Charming from her story.

Cinderella wouldn't have worked if the Prince was Eric, Aladdin, or the beast.

Cinderella only works if Prince Charming is the one who finds the glass slipper.

You are no different.

These broken shards will fall into place

When it's your Prince Charming holding the glass slipper.

I don't mean to imply that Prince Charming

Will solve all of your problems.

Cinderella still had a stepmother

And disaster stepsisters

After meeting Prince Charming.

But when he's your Prince Charming, it will work.

Falling in love isn't perfect.

Maintaining love isn't perfect.

But with your Prince Charming, it's possible.

With the wrong Prince Charming, it feels impossible.

The Prince Charming that's meant for you

Will seek you out.

He will pursue you to return your missing glass shoe.

He will see the beauty where the others only saw ashes.

He will understand why you feel broken and insecure and incapable...

And he will stay anyway.

He will walk beside you as you learn how to let yourself fall again.

He will hate what the others did to you,

And wonder how they could have been so blind.

He will laugh at the jokes that the others didn't get.

He will value you in a way you didn't know was healthy.

He will love you and love you and love you.

To the girl who didn't find Prince Charming at the first ball:

He will come.

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