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Carmilla P.O.V.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jane voices, her question raising anxiety in my chest.

I ponder for a brief moment, trying to pinpoint what she might possibly be asking me. "What is it?" I responded nervously. I'm dreading what she'll ask me, and if I'll be able to respond truthfully.

"Do you think I could see my father soon?" Jane questions weakly. I can tell that asking me such a question was difficult for her.

A glimpse of guilt creeps in as I play with her hair, her warm body laying on my chest. "Yeah, soon." I whisper.

She lifts her head up to face me. "You promise?" her eyes glare into my soul.

"I promise," I smile at Jane. I'm not good with promises. But for her, I'll keep them. For her, I'd do anything. She places her head back on my chest contentiously. A warm feeling of butterflies engrossed me. This moment -- this is where I'd like to stay forever.

Quiet snores pull me out of my hopeless daydream. Is she asleep? Baffled, I tilt my head down, and to my surprise, she is. I let out a whispered snicker. How did she fall asleep so quickly? I don't dare to move, not wanting to wake the sleeping beauty on top of me. Her gentle breaths calm me. I feel so peaceful. The charcoal silk sheets beneath me feel almost as soft as her touch. I listen to the fireplace, its flames crackling endlessly. My eyes daze upon the dimmed rectangular golden chandelier dangling above me. The dark gray walls, creating a somber peace.

A vibration in my pocket pulls my attention. Frantically, I pull my phone towards me. Shit. I look down at the dreaming Jane. I let out a sigh of relief. It didn't wake her. I'm so glad.





I put my phone to the side, preparing myself to slide Jane off of me as quietly as I can. Holding my breath, I gently lift her head, making her shuffle. Fuck. I freeze to see what happens next. Her arm tightens around me as she caves her head back into my chest. 'What do I do now?'. I thought to myself. Now I really am stuck here, not that I mind it, but I've got things to do. I pull my phone back into my hand. I can't leave like this. She is more important.







I toss my phone back, ignoring the endless dings. They seem to forget who's in charge around here sometimes. I close my eyes, soaking in the bliss floating in my chest.


It's been a few weeks since Jane has asked me to see her father, her wish not yet being plausible. I look around me as I sit in my office, Genevieve and Cole sitting opposite me on their phones, Gen finding me an old contact detail of a buyer and Cole? Well sounds like he's playing Candy crush. All I could think of was Jane's behavior recently, being so close, almost as if she was losing herself slightly, too interested in the things I do, the people I kill. It's weird. It's not the Jane I met on our first night, her clothes and attitude shifting as well. Genevieve thinks that she is different because she's traumatized, shifting her personality to protect her mind. As much as we argue about that, the more time passes, the more im starting to see it-

"We need a holiday, this shit is tiring" cole speaks up suddenly.

Genevieve turns her head the same time I lift my eyes from my computer, completely taken aback by his sudden proposal.

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