Chapter One

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Welcome to my newest Chuuya x reader X Dazai story! I thought to write this while making The Land is Inhospitable And So Are We so there are some parts that might be the tiniest bit similar but I swear this fic is totally new. Also it will all be in 3rd pov. I hope you enjoy!

- author


It was an art, thats what she always said. When people asked her how she got so good at her job, she would ask them how anyone got very good at anything. The world was full of terrible men, who was to say there couldn't be a terrible woman in the mix too. Her smile was like a well-polished gun, her eyes sharp and her mind keen. If anyone asked any further, she would shoot them a torrid glance and ask if she had any other choice but to be exactly what she was.

That was all Dazai ever saw of her. He'd seen the same interaction play out in a hundred different ways from the corner of Mori's clinic he occupied. She brought people in for aid with such alarming frequency, Dazai couldn't tell if the young girl was a monster or a saint. There was certainly something religious about her, he couldn't deny that. He just could never tell what side of the divide she found herself on.

These wanderings of the mind were something he never revealed to his mentor. Still, every time she dragged a body through the clinics doors, he felt the arrival. It was like an itch he was unable to scratch without tearing right through his skull.

In the chaos of everything over the years, he had all but forgotten the strange gunmetal girl and her bloodstained hands. His questions over whether she had a penchant for violence or for healing dissipated as he gained more responsibility after the former boss' murder. By the time their lives crossed again, he had almost completely forgotten her existence. She lived in his mind in the form of a dream, someone he thought must not be real since their paths had stopped crossing. Incorporeal, she drifted until the fateful day their lives intersected once more.

Mori had been careful. Despite Dazai's best efforts, he was still a child, and the older man saw the way his protege's eyes would track the strange girl's path around their office whenever she brought in a new victim. When he had taken control of the Port Mafia, he had been intent on never having their paths cross once he took power. What good could it do after all to have the former Boss' most trusted subservient making friends with the chess piece he had worked so hard to carve for himself? This was why he was now struggling to contain his anger as Y/n burst into his office unannounced.

Dazai, ever faithful, barley turned to see who had interrupted his meeting with the notorious man. That didn't stop Mori from catching the way his eyes widened slightly as she made her way up to his desk, slamming both her hands down on to it without even sparing the bandaged boy a glance.

"I don't know what you're planning, but don't think I havent seen those men you set to tail me." she said in a low, dangerous voice.

Mori leaned back in his chair, eyes drifting to his pet project, noting the way his attention had completely left his boss in favor for the strange girl, before fixing them onto her once more. Looking her up and down, he saw faint blood stains on the cuffs of her black sleeves.

"You didn't have to kill them." he finally responded.

Y/n scoffed, taking her hands off the table and standing up straight.

"Yes, I did. You're planning something, and I don't like it."

"Maybe I was just keeping an eye on you." Mori mused, folding his hands together and resting his chin on the surface they created, "I would be foolish not to do so, wouldn't you agree? A young girl all on her own, there are lots of terrible men out there who would like to do terrible things to one as sweet as you."

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