Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N hello!! I'm back. Sorry for being absent on this book for a while. I have the whole ending planned out, but I've been struggling to write it. I think this is going to be the last time I do a book with two separate endings, it's not my favorite thing to actually make. I am back though and I am going to finish it! Don't worry.


"Come on." Kunikida said as he walked up to Y/n's desk, "The Boss has given us a task."

She looked up from her work, her brow slightly furrowed. It wasn't often she was assigned to work with the blond man, the whole situation struck her as odd.

"What is the mission?"

Kunikida sighed.

"You, Kenji, and I have to go pick up Kyoka and Atsushi."

"They need an escort to get home from her first mission?" Y/n asked, her eyebrows raised.

She had only met the girl, Kyoka, briefly. It had been right after Atsushi brought her back to the Agency a few days ago. She knew the girl was a member of the Port Mafia under Koyo but, that was about it. Apparently, Atsushi had saved her from suicide bombing a train he was on with Yosano.

"Her phone rang."

"And you know this because...?" she trailed off, another question coming to mind, "Why does it matter?"

"Her ability, Demon Snow, is controlled through phone calls. She insisted on keeping the device for sentimental value, so we wiped it and blocked all the contacts from the Port Mafia. However, we were worried some of them might have the number memorized and use a different device to get to her. I set it up so we would get notified if an unknown number calls her."

Y/n got to her feet with a sigh, grabbing her coat off the back of her chair and pulling it on.

"It's probably Koyo."

"Koyo?" Kunikida repeated in a curious tone of voice.

Y/n shook her head, turning to him. There was a sinking feeling in her stomach at the thought of facing the woman that had helped to raise her, the one who had taught her to be so cruel. Koyo had been the only woman in Y/n's life before she had joined the Agency. She didn't know if she could face her scorn.

"It doesn't matter." she sighed, shaking her head to rid it of the thought, "Let's go get Kenji."

They arrived on the scene to find Atsushi, out of commission. He sat on the ground, his back against one of the pillars holding the roof over the courtyards little walkway. Y/n's suspicions were confirmed as she caught sight of Koyo, leading the young girl, Kyoka, to a black armored car. There were Mafia members everywhere.

"I got this!" Kenji announced, picking up an empty car which some of the Mafia members had clearly arrived in, "Please duck!"

He tossed it into the air and the Mafia members formed a protective circle around the two women. Somehow, they all managed to avoid the vehicle as it crashed into the ground. Y/n, Kunikida, and Kenji ran out from behind it. The Mafia tightened their ranks and, regaining their composure, trained their guns on the trio.

"Oh, look how it flies!" Kenji exclaimed in child-like wonder.

They reached Atsushi who was pulling himself up to his knees. His shirt was soaked through with blood. Y/n grabbed his arm, getting him back to his feet.

"Are you okay, Atsushi?" Kunikida asked in alarm.

"Kunikida, Y/n... why are you guys all here?"

"I modified Kyoka's cell so that it'd send a signal if someone called." Kunikida quickly explained, "Why are you acting like a damsel in distress? A Were-tiger is supposed to be tough!"

Y/n let go of Atsushi's arm as he looked between the trio in mild confusion.

"Agency vermin!" Koyo yelled over to them, and they turned to face her at the sound, "You've already poisoned one girl, don't show Kyoka any more of your toxic light!"

She had a hand on Kyoka's head as she spoke, the girl pulled into her chest and her sleeve covering her face, keeping her from seeing. 

"What great timing." Another voice suddenly announced and Y/n looked to the side in confusion to see a pair of men she didn't recognize.

One was shorter and blond, the other probably over six feet tall with long dark hair. They looked American.

"What the fuck." she sighed in irritation, "Can't we have just one normal day right now?"

The blond boy was throwing a potato up into the air and catching it repeatedly. They stopped their approach a few feet away from the Mafia and the Agency, the former still pointing their weapons at the latter.

"It's like the split second before a collision." the boy cheerfully observed, "If we could've come just a bit later, we would've had it easy."

He stopped throwing the potato, turning to his companion.

"You want in?"

"I don't care either way," the man shrugged, his voice deep and gravely, "but all the stares are making me uncomfortable."

The blond boy took a bite out of the potato, the crunch it made revealing to all the vegetable was raw.

"Oh fine. I guess I'll work for my keep for the Guild."

"The Guild?" Atsushi repeated softly.

"I'm tired." the other man grumbled, "Ugh, itchy. Yuck. Tired and itchy."

"What the fuck is up with these guys?" Y/n asked, turning to look at Kunikda.

He looked scared, his eyes narrowed and his face tense. She turned back to the pair and crossed her arms.

"Oh, keep the middle clear, will you?" the blond boy requested with a menacing smirk, "Our luggage will be arriving soon."

Atsushi let out a light gasp, catching a glimpse of something in the sky above. He looked up, using his hand to shield his eyes from the sun.

"Something's up there!" he exclaimed.

Just as the words left his mouth, a large something crashed into the ground, tearing up the cement. Y/n quickly activated her ability, forming a protective orb of vines around herself and the other Agency members.

The ground ceased its trembling and she let the vines disappear, withering back into the ground they'd sprouted from. She checked to make sure everyone was okay, before turning to see what the source of the impact had been.

There, in the center of the crater, stood four more Americans. There was a woman in a frilly mint dress, a priest, an older man with a pipe, and a red haired boy who looked like he couldn't be much older than Atsushi or Akutagawa. They cut an intimidating figure.

"Fire!" Koyo commanded her troops.

Immediately, they obeyed sending a barrage of bullets towards the Americans.

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