Chapter Eight

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After the success of the test mission and as the time she had been back at the Mafia increased, Y/n was allowed more and more freedom. This was how she found herself standing by the pier and smoking a slightly crumpled cigarette when a familiar figure made himself known.

"You're here." she said, not turning to look at her newfound companion as she threw the butt of her cigarette into the water.

"You've rejoined the Mafia."

Turning herself around so her back was pressed against the railing preventing access to the water, Y/n shrugged.

"Didn't really have a say in the matter."

"What do you mean?"

Quickly, she lifted her hair away from the back of her neck and turned her head so Dazai could see. An old scar rested on her skin there forming two letters. Just as quickly as she had shown him the burn, her hair had fallen back into place and she turned to face him.

"And you called me that man's dog." he laughed.

"At least I fight back against him. Guess I am just all anybody wants."

"You sure you wont reconsider my offer?"

"And join the Agency? Nah, that'll just rain more trouble down on your pretty little heads."

"He'd hate that you're talking to me."


"First name basis already I see."

"It's what everyone calls him. You jealous Osamu?"

"No." Dazai felt his cheeks grow warm and Y/n must've noticed because she let out a short laugh.

"You guys don't want me there anyways." she said, "I destroy."

"Do you want to know why I used to watch you when you came into the clinic?"

She nodded.

"I couldn't decide if you were a sinner or a saint."

"What's your verdict now?" she smiled ruefully.

"Still undecided. Have you ever tried growing anything else?"

"I don't grow, I decay."

"Just some food for thought."

He was gone as quickly as he arrived. Later in the evening, as Y/n made her way back to headquarters, she stopped in a park. Crouching down by the grass, she thrust her hand into the dirt, her eyes shut tight. When she opened them again, a single dandelion stood by the tip of her middle finger.

"Huh." she said softly, "Who knew."

Standing up, she brushed her hand off and, with one last look at the fragile little flower, walked away.


"I did something." Y/n's voice cut through the music Chuuya had put on for them while they filled out some paperwork.

"Did you make a mistake? Do you need help?"

Y/n glared at him.

"No. I grew something."

"You grow things all the time." he dismissed, returning to his work.

"I decay things with fungus all the time." she corrected, "I grew a flower last night."

Looking up from his work, Chuuya's eyes met hers.

"You did?" he seemed as amazed at the news as she had initially been.

"I'm trusting you, you better not tell anyone."

Her pen was pointed at his throat and Chuuya nodded.

"I wont."

To See You Again (Chuuya Nakahara x Reader x Dazai Osamu)Where stories live. Discover now