Chapter Twenty five

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"Why are you here?" Dazai asked, walking over to his old friend, his old flame.

"Wanted to congratulate her." he shrugged, "I see you beat me to it."

"Liar, I know that you were here last night. What is the real reason?"

"Did she tell you that?"

Chuuya laughed at the irritated expression on Dazai's face.

"I'll take that as a no."

"What do you want with her?" Dazai asked, even though he already knew the answer, "She is happy here, she is building a new life."

"I know, I'm not here to stop that. I want what is best for her, I want her to have the best life she can. I just also want to be apart of it."

"You're not. Theres no place for you here, in my life or hers."

"And why is that?"

"Can any life that has your irritating presence in it be the best it can be?" Dazai smirked, feeling he had gained the upper hand once again.

"I think she is allowed to make her own decisions on that." Chuuya said, taking a drag of his cigarette, "Besides, I've been a part of this since the day the Boss first had me kidnap her. You're only really here because I dragged you into it."

"I've been a part of this since the beginning."

"And what is she supposed to do when you inevitably lose interest, huh?"

Dazai didn't have an answer for that.

"Just food for thought." Chuuya said before turning and walking off into the night.


Atsushi didn't join Dazai and Y/n on their walk to the Agency the next morning, having been called in early by Kunikida to fix some mistake in his paperwork from the previous day. Dazai had greeted Y/n at her door with a cheery 'good morning' as normal, only to be met by her disapproving stare.

"What is it?" he asked as she locked her apartment door.

"You spoke to Chuuya last night. I don't know what is going on between you two, but I don't like it."

"Jealous much?" he teased as they began walking and she glared at him.

It didn't escape Dazai's attention that she was wearing her old coat today rather than his, clearly a strategic choice Y/n had made that morning. She adjusted her collar to protect more of her neck from the chill of the morning air.

"Last time you planned something, it derailed my whole life." she answered at last.

"Very true." Dazai mused, "We're not planning anything this time."

"So what are you doing?"

"Playing a game."

"Thats even worse."

Dazai laughed at her expression. Brow furrowed and hands deep in her coat pockets, he couldn't help but be amused by her displeasure. When they arrived at the office, the pair quickly parted ways. Dazai headed for his own desk while Y/n went to talk to Tanizaki about something, Dazai didn't know what.

Staring at his work, pen in hand, Dazai found himself unable to focus. Chuuya's question from the night before had indeed been food for thought, as promised. Dazai knew his own flaws, better than anyone. All his life, his attention span for others had been rather short. It wasn't his fault, as he saw it, but the fault of other people for being so boring, so predictable.

To See You Again (Chuuya Nakahara x Reader x Dazai Osamu)Where stories live. Discover now