Chapter Four

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As consciousness returned to her grasp, Y/n's bleary eyes were met with the all too familiar sight of the Port Mafia's torture chamber. Her hands were shackled to the wall above her head, and her feet strapped to the ground below her. Vision now fully restored, she slowly took in the room around her. In the far corners she could see other victims of the Mafia's well known violence. Her exploration of the room however was cut short by a sharp voice and she turned to see a man wearing a hat and a long black coat making his way down the stairs.

"Good, you're up." was all he said.

The reality of the world finished settling in Y/n and she looked down to see her coat gone, the white dress shirt she had been wearing stained with blood. The pain in her stomach told her the blood was her own and she looked lazily back up at the man who was now standing before her.

"And you are...?" she cheekily questioned.

"Nakahara Chuuya, Port Mafia executive."

"Ohh, so scary."

He punched her square across the jaw, throwing Y/n's head to the side and making the world spin once again. She spat blood out on to the floor. It stained her lips a deep, seductive red. Steadily, she turned to face him once more, a wolf-like smile gracing her bruised face.

"So, executive Nakahara," she conversationally began, "to what do I owe the pleasure of your diminutive company?"

Satisfaction rushed through her veins like a drug as Chuuya made it clear to Y/n that she had already found one of his weak spots.

"Don't try to insult me like that!" he snapped, "You can't talk, you're shorter than me!"

"But it's cute when girls are short."

Chuuya took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and Y/n laughed.

"I'm just fucking with you, what does he want?"

"The boss say's that you're planning to assassinate him."

"And you believe every word that falls from his crooked mouth?" 

"So you aren't trying to kill him?"

"Well, I think everyone wants to kill him. I mean, I certainly do." She caught the way Chuuya's body tensed at her words and let them stand alone in the air between them for a moment before continuing to speak, "But no, I'm not planning anything right now. You know, I'm surprised you got me."

"It was easy." he smirked.

"I thought you were someone else."

"And who else would want you."

The comment was clearly designed to hurt the girl, to break her down, but Y/n just laughed.

"Just some Agency member who must spend a good couple hours out of every day covering himself in bandages for vanity's sake."

The war crime of a smile returned to Y/n's face as Chuuya grabbed her collar.

"Don't you dare compare me to that suicidal freak." he hissed.

"Oh? You know him? Well, I thought he was you. What can I say, your presences are just so... similar to one another."

Y/n's smile only grew as a red glow appeared around Chuuya and she felt her body being pressed into the stone of the wall behind her.

"Do you really want to fight against gravity?" he said menacingly to her, their faces now mere inches apart.

"The real question is, do you really want to fight me?"

To See You Again (Chuuya Nakahara x Reader x Dazai Osamu)Where stories live. Discover now