Chapter Five

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"So," Y/n began, casually taking a seat before Mori himself had even reached his chair and throwing her feet up onto his desk, "you need another executive."

"Who's to say I didn't just want one, Y/n?"

Mori took his seat and nodded for Chuuya to follow suit.

"You wouldn't have asked for me to fill the role unless it was a need."

"You know, I'm starting to get the feeling you don't like me very much."

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Oh no, what do you mean? I totally love you like you were my own father and not just the man who killed him." she sarcastically replied.

"Why on earth would you want her as an executive?" Chuuya cut in, "I've known her for all of five minutes and can already tell how disrespectful and volatile she is. Akutagawa has been rising in the ranks for years and would jump at such a chance."

"Akutagawa, has questionable allegiances." Mori pointedly interrupted.

Y/n's eyes flitted back and forth between the two men before realization flashed across her face.

"Ah, I see. He's indebted to that Dazai freak of yours."

"How could you tell?" Chuuya found himself asking.

"I know things." she said, tapping the side of her head with two fingers, "Whatever happened to that pet project of yours by the way, word says he betrayed you?"

"Y/n here," Mori began, gesturing at the girl who still had had her feet up on his desk and was leaning back in her chair, choosing to ignore the question she had posed "is the reason the Mafia is what it is today. The old boss was her father. She built this place for him, took his small organization and made it powerful."

"What?" Chuuya exclaimed, "But she's my age!"

"Clearly you've never met a child soldier before." she pouted back.

Taking her feet off the desk, Y/n let out a long, drawn out sigh and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. It was then Chuuya realized how tired she looked.

"Look, you want me back because I'm powerful and you didn't want me here because you don't trust me. Clearly I have no say in the matter so decide if I will be your newest executive or not and let me have a fucking smoke, this cut hurts like a bitch."

"And here I was thinking you couldn't feel a thing." Mori said lightly before reassuming a more serious tone of voice, "It's settled then. Y/n will be our newest executive and you, Chuuya, will be her safeguard."

"So I get to be on babysitting duty?!" Chuuya got to his feet, rage building in his bones as he saw Y/n wave her fingers at him with a teasing smile.

"The matter is settled."

Y/n stood up, stretching slightly before beginning to walk to the door. About halfway across the room she stopped and turned, looking at Chuuya expectantly.

"I'm leaving." she stated, "And unless you want to get yelled at on the first day of your new assignment, I suggest you leave with me."

Mori shrugged and with a groan, Chuuya followed Y/n out of the room. Once the door had shut behind them, she scoffed, knocking a cigarette out of the pack she had pulled from her pocket and into her hand.

"You know you can't smoke in here." Chuuya told her as she placed it between her lips.

"Fucking hell." she murmured and Chuuya could hear the strain all the day's events had put on her.

To See You Again (Chuuya Nakahara x Reader x Dazai Osamu)Where stories live. Discover now