Chapter Seven

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"You ready for your first mission back?" Chuuya asked conversationally as he adjusted his gloves.

Running her hand over the array of guns before her, Y/n shrugged. It had been years since her last foray into the field and she found the whole situation to be rather odd.

"Don't we have any knives?" she looked over at Chuuya.

"Boss thinks they're less effective. If you bring a knife in, it's gotta be your own."

Y/n groaned.

"I hate using guns, they're too noisy."

Having made her choice, Y/n slipped two pistols into her holsters and readjusted her jacket so they wouldn't be visible. She refused to be betrayed by any accidentally flash of silver.

"And knives are too messy. Here."

Y/n turned to see Chuuya holding something out to her. It was an ornate dagger, silver with a single ruby at the base of its twisted hilt. Taking it from him, she tested the weight of the dagger in her hands and hummed with pleasure.

"It's beautiful."

"It suits you."

Taking her gaze off the tool, Y/n looked over at Chuuya who was now placing his own guns in the various holsters strapped across his chest.

"I think it matches you actually, fits the color scheme."

Y/n slid the knife into her pocket.

"Well, we'll just have to match each other, if you can put up with that." Chuuya joked, shoving something weighted and black into Y/n's hands.

"Whats this?" she asked, holding the vest out in front of her.

"Bullet proof vest."

Catching the way Y/n eyed the object with distaste, Chuuya sighed.

"They're required for all missions. Just put it on, I'll meet you outside."


It was a simple stealth mission designed to destabilize an up and coming gang rising through the ranks in the edges of Yokohama. Get in, kill the major players, and get out. There were no subordinates to follow Y/n and Chuuya out of the car parked a few blocks away from their targeted location because there was no need for them. If this went anyway besides perfectly, Y/n was out. It was a test and although neither of them directly said it, they both knew.

They casually made their way over to the abandoned house the gang had allegedly set up shop in with no disruptions until they reached the door where a young man stopped them. He was taller than Chuuya but nothing particularly special and lean, a scar on the back of his left hand in the shape of the letter S marking his affiliation with the group they were after.

"We're here to see the boss." Chuuya said gruffly in response to his quizzical gaze.

"No one just 'sees' the boss." the man responded, his eyes flitting back and forth between the austere figures before him.

"We have a meeting."

With a laugh, the man shook his head, taking a step closer with a menacing look.

"No, you don't."

Before he could move even an inch closer, Y/n had him on the ground. Blood pooled around his head from where she had sliced through his throat with Chuuya's knife. He hadn't even had the time to scream.

"What." she asked, standing up with a blank look on her face, "You were taking too long and he was gonna end up like this either way."

Chuuya simply raised his eyebrows and the pair entered the building.

To See You Again (Chuuya Nakahara x Reader x Dazai Osamu)Where stories live. Discover now