Chapter Twenty Eight

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Dazai watched with a sick sort of pleasure as Chuuya walked down the stairs into the Mafia's torture chamber. He had allowed himself to be captured of course, for a million and five different reasons. One of them just happened to be the little unofficial game they were playing, the untitled competition they had found themselves in.

"Plotting as usual?" Chuuya asked.

"That voice..." Dazai exclaimed, feigning terror.

"This is a great view." Chuuya teased, gesturing at the chains holding Dazai in place, "It rivals even a masterpiece worth ten billion."


"I like your reaction." Chuuya said as he walked over, having reached the bottom of the stairs at long last, "It makes me want to strangle you."

He came to a stop about two feet away from the taller man, his coat hanging loosely off his shoulders.

"You never change, do you?"

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

"I've always wondered, where do you get all your embarrassing hats?"

Chuuya was used to Dazai's playful bullying by now. There had been a time, a long time ago now, where it had been irritating, but charming. Now it only served to further his hatred of the man.

"Say what you want, vagabond! Still going on about suicide at your age and you have the audacity to critique my sense of style?"

"Yep." Dazai nodded.

"You could at least pretend to deny it. Now you're just a sad little prisoner. It's enough to make you cry, eh, Dazai?"

Dazai didn't respond and Chuuya took a step closer, placing his gloved hand on Dazai's head.

"It's actually a little too convenient." he noted, pulling Dazai down so they could see eye to eye, "You may be able to deceive that apprentice, Akutagawa, but not me. What are you really here for? What's your play?"

"My play? It's just what it looks like." Dazai cryptically replied, "Get caught and wait to be executed."

"You bored of Y/n already? Come to kill yourself for some excitement? Without your protection, the Mafia is sure to take her back and I don't think that's really what either of us want, regardless of our other goals. There's no way the Dazai I know would be caught through bad luck or gross negligence. If you were that foolish, I would have killed you long ago." Chuuya roughly released Dazai from his grasp, turning his back to Dazai after he did so.

"You're overthinking this." Dazai smiled teasingly, "And no, I'm not bored. Almost got her to go out on a date with me last week actually. Why did you even come here in the first place? To ask me if she missed you?"

His comment didn't have the exact effect Dazai had been hoping it to have.

"No, I came down to harass you. You toyed with me all you wanted back then. But..." suddenly, Chuuya spun around, throwing a harsh hit at the chains binding Dazai, breaking them in an instant, "There's usually payback for it ten times over later. I don't know what you're planning, for the Mafia or for Y/n. You're gonna have to fight me for either."

"Well," Dazai began, taking a step away from the wall, "I believe one of those two has already begun."

"If you are just trying to get her on your side to get under my skin, to get back at me for something I allegedly did to wrong you, I'll never forgive you." Chuuya said stonily.

"Maybe, maybe not." Dazai coyly responded.

Chuuya tried to hit him, but he dodged easily, backing away. The next time Chuuya tried to punch him, Dazai caught his wrist and used the leverage to land a hit of his own right in the shorter man's stomach.

To See You Again (Chuuya Nakahara x Reader x Dazai Osamu)Where stories live. Discover now