taken // chris // slight smut, fluff // request

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request: "anything about chris being handsy at a party omgggg" 

not proofread! 

yall need to tell me if you enjoy fluffs!


you all had thought that a party would be the greatest idea on the weekend when in reality, you and the roommates should've thought the idea over a little bit longer. mainly because after the week you all had together, you needed to wind down, instead of wind up

none of the guys will admit that though, but you can see the look in their eyes when another person tries to drag them off to talk to them. they'll finally get a moment to talk to you and chris, and then someone will try to get them to meet their friends. 

it would've been happening to chris too if he hadn't placed himself firmly against the corner and placed you in front of him. he knows that you won't let anyone drag him off, very nearly over your dead body. 

and it's vice versa too, a couple of people have come up to you, doing the exact same thing and chris has his firm grip, keeping you from going anywhere. 

"i want a drink," you whine, turning to look at him. "come with me?" 

"we're never gonna make it out alive," he raises his eyebrows, "just think that over. i won't see you until the morning." 

"chris, it's two," you laugh, placing your head against his chest, and he starts laughing too.

once you two are done with your giggle fit, he finally agrees to go with you, knowing fully well you won't be able to escape him if you're with him. 

his hands are placed on your hips, guiding you around the mess of the people who are standing in the hallway. every now and then he'll grumble something about nate and madi inviting too many people, and how he doesn't even know this many people. 

nate's been around, that's not a hidden secret, so there's a possibility that at least half the girls in this house right now have slept with him. and you're sure he did that on purpose, with no real reason why. 

it just makes it awkward for a lot of the girls here, and between the roommates-- including yourself-- when they approach you guys, asking where nate is. only to find out he's trying to mingle with a different girl. 

when you and chris finally make it to the kitchen, he's careful to follow you around tightly, not really letting you get away from him. the second you do, he knows it's gonna be like a vacuum. 

"what should i get?" 

"i don't know, you better hurry," he says.

"go get yourself a snack or something," you elbow him slightly, and he comes closer to your ear.

"don't disappear then,"

and just like that, he's gone, which was a lot easier than you thought it would be. so, while he's gone, you slowly start to try and make yourself a drink. 

there's not much you can make, so you settle for something new, and that probably hasn't been tried before. ice, blue raspberry punch, sprite and a little bit of vodka. 

not too much alcohol, simply because you're trying to not make yourself have a hangover. you're already gonna be grumpy after waking up because you have this entire mess to clean up, so the best is to just go for something light. 

"hey," someone says, and you look over to see a random guy you've never seen before. 

"what's up?" you nod back, then go back to what you were doing before. 

the cup you happened to find looked clean, you're not sure what happened to the solo cups since they've been put out. but hopefully nothing too drastic, since you just grabbed one from the middle of the stack. 

"crazy party," he tries, and you give him a look, before putting the ice in the cup. 

"not really, there have been worse ones," you shudder when you think of when nate showed up with the twelve doms, which wasn't horrible, but wasn't the idea that you guys were going for. 

"you guys must party a lot then," he says.

"once again, not really, only when i have to," 

you really wish this guy would lay off, because if chris even sees him trying to flirt with you, then it might not end up very well. however, chris doesn't have a lot to worry about, because this guy is using all the statements from the old book. and it's not like you'd leave your boyfriend for anyone, anyway. 

"you look like you go to a lot of parties," 

you open your mouth to say something back, but you don't have time to, because chris comes back that second, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you against him. 

"what's going on here?" 

his arms are around you firmly, and there has to be an angry look on his face because the guy who was talking to you moments prior has now developed an expression of fear on his face.

a smile comes across your face as you think of all the possibilities that might happen.

"nothing-- just some small talk," the guy says, trying to finish whatever he was doing before-- you weren't really focused on that. 

"really? because my girlfriend looked uncomfortable." chris says, his arms readjusting on your body slightly as he pulls you closer. 

if that's even possible anymore, you're sure you can't go back any further, if you do that then you might as well become one with your boyfriend. instead of two different bodies, you'll just be glued to his forever. 

and you're not sure that's something you want.

"my bad--"

chris swerves you away from the guy, and you can see chris glaring at him, "right, your bad. get the fuck out of my house, dude."

after that, you grab your drink and start to walk away, and chris follows, his hands slowly going up your sides as he tries to get you away from the guy. 

you think you're heading back to the corner, so that's where you try to go, but chris is guiding you to the staircase instead. 


"we're done for tonight," chris says.

"why?" you ask, stopping and looking down at him from the second staircase. 

his face straightens out as he plainly says, "apparently since you aren't marked up, it means you're available,"

"chris-- what the fuck," you laugh, and he cracks a smile. 

"and because i'm tired," he starts to push you up the staircase again, and a couple seconds later, he says, "you have a nice ass." 

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