alone time // matt // fluffy-smut //request

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summary; "Can u do one where Matt and y/n head back to the bus while on tour for some alone time after they've been busy all day only to get a surprise interruption from their friends at the worst possible time"

warnings; kissing, dry humping, slight dirty talk, and being walked in on 

author's note; thank you for your request! i may have gotten a tad bit carried away and made it a bit too suggestive and venturing more on the smutty side but i hope yall like itttt

not proofread


"That's a wrap on filming for today," Nick called out Matt and Chris. 

It was nearing the end of the Versus tour and you guys had to film for Wednesday vlogs still. When they asked you if you'd like to come out for the last couple of tour dates, you jumped at the chance.

It had been a month's worth of late-night phone calls, text messages, and Facetime sessions and while you loved the way he always managed to make the time and talk to you every day, at least for a minute, you missed him terribly.

Occasionally he'd fly out and surprise you for a day here and there but his schedule never seemed to allow him more than a day or two at a time so when he asked you to come to him for these few weeks, you were overjoyed.

"Come here baby," he called to you. "I have a few people I want you to meet."

After about 20 minutes of meeting some of their LA friends that you hadn't met before, Matt made his exit and ushered you towards the tour bus. "They all seem so nice," you say to him on the short walk to his home on tour.

Oh, they are! They're the nicest people I think I've ever been friends with, y/n. It makes these long days go by so much faster when the company is so great. Helps keep me from missing you too much, too," he says nudging your shoulder a bit and grabbing your hand.

He laces his fingers through yours and brings your hand up to his lips to give it a sweet kiss. You let out a content sigh and enjoy the leisurely stroll hand in hand with your boyfriend.

" we are..." Matt says once you arrive at the door. You see the familiar sight of his metal black doorframe. "After you," he says, letting you take the stairs first. When you open the door you immediately spot a single red rose, a bottle of champagne, and two glasses on the table in front of the couch.

Once you take a few steps closer you hear Matt shut the door behind you and can feel his arms gently wrap around you from behind. He sweetly rests his chin on your shoulder and you cling to his arms that are draped around you. "I'm really glad you're here y/n," he says hugging you tighter. "I've missed you so much," he says, whispering in your ear. He loosens his grip around you a little and spins you around so you're facing him. You giggle a little at his quick spin and smile up at him.

"Hi," you say.

"Hi," he says grinning back.

He leads you over to the couch and sits beside you, handing you the rose. "Did I tell you that I missed you?" he asks you again, making you blush.

"You might have mentioned it once or twice," you reply, smelling your rose. "Did I tell you that I missed you too?" you ask him back.

"Only every day since I left baby," he chuckles. You playfully swat at his chest and sigh. "So I guess that's a yes then, huh..." you shrug sheepishly. He reaches for the bottle of champagne and quickly loosens and pops the cork.

"That's okay baby, I'm pretty sure I say it to you just as much, if not more. I'm just being a dick and messing with you," he says. You smile, roll your eyes, and take the glass from his outreached hand. "I'm so glad you came," he says clinking classes with you.

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