dress // chris // fluff // request

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summary; 'Can you do a song based fanfic with dress by T Swift'

warnings; none, implication of sex kinda 

not proofread


You weren't sure when this thing between you and Chris even started. You couldn't even describe what it was. 

All you knew was how you felt when you looked at him, what he could do to you with a simple glance. It was getting out of hand, you'd both admit that. You couldn't even be in the same room together anymore without giving each other the infamous, "let's get out of here,"  look. 

It was a miracle no one had noticed, especially your best friends. It was almost comical actually, that they hadn't. You knew they were clueless simply because they would never leave you two alone about it if they knew. Nick, in particular, would have a field day with the information.  

Maybe it made sense that no one suspected it, because admittedly you and Chris were an unexpected pairing. You were as different as two people could be, at least from an outside perspective. You'd always appeared to the media as innocent, shy, reserved, in other words - completely opposite of Chris Sturniolo. 

You never would have thought you could feel this way about him, about anyone, actually. The moment you saw him though, you realized just how insanely wrong you were. You were a friend of Madi's since middle school, and when the triplets moved to LA officially, Chris had been the first person you met. One singular look at him; and you knew you were done for.

You became friends extremely fast, going out to eat nearly every day, and sharing things with each other like you'd known each other your entire lives. Within weeks, you couldn't imagine your life without Chris, and you considered him your best friend. Until you quickly realized you were much more. The rest is history, really. 

There was a small, teeny, tiny part of you that wanted to tell your friend group, to tell everyone, but you just loved the excitement too much. The risk of getting caught was thrilling. The thrill fueled your relationship - physical relationship, that is - and God did you love it. The stolen glances and 'innocent'  touches in crowded rooms, the everlasting feeling of anticipation, the perpetual desperation you felt to just be near him. There was nothing else like it. 

But that small part of you had been coming out to play more often recently. You wanted him to be yours. I mean, technically he had been for a while, but you two were the only ones aware of this. You found yourself wanting to make it known that you weren't just best friends as everyone thought. 

But for now, until you figured out what you really want, and what Chris wants, you were fine with the thrill of it. You even had a little game you liked to play - drive Chris as crazy as possible in the most public of places. You had your game in mind when you picked out the dress you were wearing now as you sat across from Chris. You sat in the car with the rest of your friend group, and more, outside the red carpet for the launch party of Nick's brand; Space Camp. Meeting his eyes every couple moments to see him already looking at you. 

You glanced down at your red silk dress, innocently adjusting the V-line to display a little more. "Y/n, that dress is absolutely gorgeous!" Madi said next to you as soon as she'd noticed your attire. 

Nick, Matt, and Nate agreed with a simple approving head nod and "You look good." 

Everyone's heads turned to an uncharacteristically quiet Chris, who was oh-so not subtly staring at your neckline. He snapped out of it after a second too long, "Yeah-um, you look great," he managed to get out, tearing his eyes from you and down at his phone. "Shouldn't we get out there?" 

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