condoms // chris // hinted smut-fluff // non-request

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warnings; swearing, hinted sex, idk

not proofread


"Hurry up, Chris." I let out a groan, impatiently looking around us in the store.

Whenever we have to buy condoms, I always get very embarrassed or worried that someone will notice us. Chris finds it amusing-- my misery, that is.

I bounced my leg up and down as he took his time scanning the boxes, letting out a frustrated sigh while he only chuckled at me as his lips curled into a smirk. 

"Relax, y/n. Nobody even recognizes us." He said, bending down to look at more boxes of protection.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, but they could." I peered down the aisles, making sure no one around would see us. "Oh my god, just pick a box! Here, this one will work," I grabbed the first box I saw and handed it to Chris.

"Nope." He chuckled, putting the box back on the shelf. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked. He turned to me.

"Too small."

My cheeks flushed pink as I nervously shushed him, but all he did was laugh. It was fairly quiet in the store, but Chris was being rather loud as if he wanted to get caught and embarrass me. 

"Hey, do you want me to pleasure you well?" He shrugged, earning himself another eye roll out of me.

"As of right now, I don't care, so will you please just pick a box?" I impatiently complained.

"Okay, okay, fine, fine." Chris rolled his eyes and finally picked a box a few mere seconds later. 

"I should've stayed in the car," I muttered, following Chris out the aisle.

"You're so whiny." He said, chuckling to himself for a little. Yeah, I was acting like a baby, but it's hard doing normal people things when you have a platform. You have eyes on you all the time, and it feels like you can't do normal people things because people will judge you. Besides, Chris and I haven't become official yet. Our fans are onto us, but we haven't fed them anything. If they caught us buying condoms together, that would be a dead giveaway.

We're making our way to the cash register, when something unexpected happens.

"Excuse me, are you guys YouTubers?" A girl says, who belongs to a group of a good number of her friends. My cheeks heat up and I can feel my face turning red. Chris frantically hides the box behind his back, almost making an even bigger scene.

We take a picture with them, and after a couple of minutes of conversation, they finally leave. As soon as they do, Chris bursts out laughing, I just roll my eyes.

"I told you!" I chuckle, shoving his arm, almost falling over because of how hard he's laughing. I start laughing too though.

"Yeah, but your face was so red," he laughs, and I just chuckle in embarrassment. 

"It's not funny!" I say though I'm laughing too. He calms down finally, wrapping an arm around me as we walk to the register. 

"You're right, you're right, I'm sorry." He smiles, while planting a kiss on my forehead.

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