exile // chris // angst // non-request

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summary; six months after the breakup, Chris sees you at a party. based on 'exile' by t swift

warnings; angsty asf, cussing

not proofread


I can see you standing, honey

With his arms around your body

Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all

And it took you five whole minutes

To pack us up and leave me with it

Holdin' all this love out here in the hall

I think I've seen this film before


Chris let out a scoff as his eyes finally landed on what he had been looking for since he'd set foot on the beach. You. 

And him. Whoever the fuck he was. 

'Pathetic excuse for a rebound' , was what Chris decided to call him in his head. Your distraction from him, it had to be. 

The rebound had his arms wrapped tightly around you, whispering something intently in your ear. Chris watched as you threw your head back with a hearty laugh, turning your head slightly to whisper something back to him. He examined your smile, the way your nose scrunched up and your dimples made themselves known. He couldn't remember the last time he saw that smile up close. 

Chris looked down at the sand, unable to stomach the sight anymore. 


I can see you starin', honey

Like he's just your understudy

Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me

Second, third, and hundredth chances

Balancin' on breaking branches

Those eyes add insult to injury

I think I've seen this film before

And I didn't like the ending


You leaned back against your boyfriend's chest, staring out into the ocean. "Beautiful night tonight, isn't it?" you asked, taking in the sight. 

You felt him nod, "Mhm. Someone seems to think we're a more interesting view," he said, subtly gesturing to where you'd seen Chris sit down about ten minutes ago. 

"I saw him," you said quietly, averting your eyes quicker than you'd directed them toward him. "Just look away," you told him simply. 

You didn't have to see him to know exactly what was going through Chris's head; that this was temporary; that all he had to do was apologize and promise it would all be different; that he could without a doubt take your boyfriend in a fight. 

While the latter may be true, the others couldn't be more wrong. It had been nearly six months since you forced yourself to walk out of his house for the last time. You made yourself a promise that day. That you'd never go back; you'd never let Chris's eyes beg you for another chance; you'd never give into that temptation to let him try to fix everything. 

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