happy new year // matt // fluff-? // non-request

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summary; entering the new year with a new sturniolo coming into the new year
(pt 2 to the dinner & sunsets blurb?, except that one was a request and this one i just thought of to add on my own!)

warnings; crying, cussing, family, excitement 

not proofread

author's note; Happy New Year! I know we're literally in February now and this is a late time to be making a New Year's 's-based fic but i made this ( and dinner & sunsets ) before i got inactive and haven't gotten around to fixing and tweaking it until i random got a boost of motivation to today so, here we are!


A few weeks ago you took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. You had a feeling that you were from random cravings and morning sickness. Knowing you are carrying your second baby is a blessing in disguise.

You went to the doctor to get scanned and to find out you were six weeks pregnant. Seeing your second baby made you emotional, you couldn't believe it.

Tatum was told a day later. It took her a few minutes to calculate there's a baby in your stomach. Once Matt and you explained to her she started yelling out of excitement.

Matt and you had talked about having another baby in 2024 but you never thought you would find out right when you were entering the new year.

Plus, it was the perfect time to find out and tell your entire family all together on New Year's Eve. 

Your mother contacted you and Matt's mother about celebrating the New Year at their home. Only because Matt and you are always on the go. It felt natural to share your pregnancy news with everyone you care about.

You guys are staying for two weeks in your hometown, Boston. Matt, his brothers, and you grew up in the same town and happened to bump into each other in school at Summerville.

Everyone is at your parent's house. There was so much going on all at once. The kids were running around the house, football games were on, getting food situated for dinner, and other things too.

"Y/n why aren't you drinking?" your sister inquired, intrigued. She knows you well enough to know that you will never refuse a drink.

"I'm just not feeling it right now, but maybe later," you say with a smile.

She gives you a puzzled look but nods in understanding. Your family in the kitchen looked at each other, then back at you, taken aback by your response to your sister.

The sound of Tatum's voice filled your ears around the corner of the hall that leads into the kitchen. She turned the corner into the kitchen with her cousin chasing her.

"What are you doing running around, huh?" You chuckled, tickling her sides as she ran past you.

"Bella and I are chasing each other" she laughed, stopping her tracks when she runs into you as she looks back at Bella.

"I can see that, be careful please," you pick her up, placing her on your hip. She lays her head on your shoulder, wrapping her right arm around your neck.

Tatum stayed with you for another two minutes before she wanted down to play with the rest of her cousins.

For dinner, your dad made steak, his famous steaks. There was plenty of food for everyone. The dinner so was delicious, you went for thirds too.

You guys just finished dinner, put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, cleaned everything else up so your parents didn't have to do it.

Matt and you were sitting on the couch next to each other watching football with your family. Your head resting on his shoulder, arm wrapped around his arm as a sign of comfort. 

"I can't wait to tell them," Matt says quietly in your ear, kissing your head and bringing you closer.

"Me too," you smile.

As it grew closer to midnight, everyone was hanging out in the living room with a movie on and the kids were in the playroom down the hall watching a Disney movie. 

Chris and you were talking about the new house Matt and you are planning to build. The house you are in now is a two-bedroom; it's a lovely place, but it's time for a change.

You place Chris's daughter, Liliana in your lap and give her a gentle bounce as you explain, "I have cute ideas for the kitchen that I think will make it look more homey."

"Did you see what I sent you yesterday?" he asked, nodding. "You can always keep that in mind," referring to the backsplash he has in his kitchen that his wife picked out, about which you always rave.

    "Everyone, thirty more seconds till it's the new year!" Your older sister, Melissa, yells from the living room, drink in her hand.

Both families gathered in the huge living room with beverages or loud whistles bought from a party store by your mother.

Matt and you look at each other, nodding in agreement to announce the pregnancy. Nervously playing with your hands in a ball, Matt notices and takes your hand in his, squeezing it softly.

When Matt appears in front of Tatum, she raises her arms in a picking gesture. She's wearing a new year's hat and has a whistle ready to go off when the clock strikes midnight.

"I'd like to tell you guys something as we enter this new year together," you say clearly, standing behind your little family.

Everyone was watching you with curiosity.

By this time, the clock is getting closer to midnight. The anxiousness from your families started showing.

"You are making me nervous" Mary Lou, Matt's mom blurted.

You turned around noticing the count down getting lower. You put your hands in a prayer motion towards the top of your mouth.

Matt smiles as you gaze up at him, giving him the signal to announce it, "We are welcoming baby Sturniolo number two in 2024." 

' What the fuck! '

' Oh my gosh, this is amazing! ' 

' Congratulations you guys! '

' Best news to start the new year! '

' I'm gonna cry, '

So many words were being said when Matt made the announcement. Tears were flowing from some family members. You can tell how excited everyone was to hear the news of Sturniolo number two.

A lot of hugs were exchanged.

"How far along are you?" Mary Lou asked, "About six weeks" you answer.

"I'm so happy for the both of you sweetheart!" Your dad smiles, bringing you into a hug, rubbing your back.

"Thank you dad," you sniffle.

As you pull away, your sister comes up to you with her jaw dropped, "This explains why you haven't been drinking today," making you laugh along with everyone else.

"Haha, I love you." She brings you into a warm hug.

    Once you three made it back to your airbnb, Tatum was changed into her pj's and knocked out the minute her head touched the pillow. 

Matt and you were laying in bed about to close your eyes till Matt spoke up, "Goodnight to my little bundle of joy growing in your mommy's tummy," leaning down, kissing your stomach.

"And of course, I love you too." He smiles.


the pt 1 to this isn't really PARTS to be clear, it just has a little more of a backstory of the family with Matt, y/n and Tatum! hope you enjoy these dad!matt fics and i wanna do some with chris

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