the chain // chris // fluff-smut // non-request

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summary; Chris and you decide to go out on a date night, and soon you're straddling his lap and playing with the chain on his neck. Fair to say, he's obsessed with that. 

warnings; sex idk ( im honestly ab to stop putting warnings bc i think you should all know what you're getting yourself into reading my stories✨✨)

not proofread


"You ready yet babe?" Chris shouted from the living room. You had been dating him for six months or so but you'd never been able to visit him in LA and thus had never got a chance to meet friends.

It was a big deal for you and you desperately wanted to impress them all. Chris said the boys were like brothers to him and the girls were like sisters and whilst you'd spoken to Madi and Nate sometimes on FaceTime, you'd never actually met them in person.

"Coming, coming," you shouted frantically from the bedroom where there were clothes strewn all around the room as you desperately decided what looked best to wear. It was so messy, but you'd clean it up later - you really didn't have any time now.

"Ok baby," he shouted back. He was wearing a black shirt with your favorite green jacket over it, which he teamed with a pair of black jeans. You felt you needed to match him, so decided on a green two-piece that hugged your curves perfectly. It exposed a little bit of skin; Chris was a big fan of that and it made you feel confident, which was very important when you were going into a situation that made you feel terribly nervous.

You gave yourself another look in the mirror, checking you looked OK for the 100th time today, before making your way out to the living room. Chris was sitting on his phone, a smile on his face. From where you were, you could see what he was looking at, pictures of you and him. It made you melt that he had a whole album dedicated to you both; that was super cute.

"Hey, ready," you said from where you were standing. He immediately shoved his phone down on the sofa and turned around to where he heard the voice from.

"Oh wow," he said, looking you up and down and biting his lip. You smiled back at him, your hands smoothing over your clothes, which sent about 100 thoughts into his head. He was obsessed with you and the way you looked and he needed to get a closer look.

You started moving towards him before he had a chance to do the same to you. "What do you think then?" you asked, spinning around in front of him. He was standing in front of the sofa, his eyes fixed on yours except for those little glances he made to appreciate your body in that outfit. You looked - and felt - so confident. 

"That's -," he paused for a moment, thinking what the best word to describe it would be. Beautiful, sexy, the nicest outfit you'd ever worn.

"It's what?" you asked, a teasing tone to your voice as you came closer to him. You pressed your lips on his cheek, smiling into the kiss. "Tell me."

"Beautiful," he started, "And sexy. Really sexy." His hands moved to your sides and he gripped there lightly. He moved his fingers over the sliver of bare skin on show and took a moment to explore the softness of your skin. His hand soon moved back to your waist and you felt him grip a little harder, his eyes scanning your body.

"You look good too," you said, looking up through your eyelashes at him. God, he was so cute - but that outfit was so sexy. You felt so turned on seeing him so dressed up. Most of the time he'd just chill in sweatpants or casual clothes so when he did dress up, he made extra effort and you had to confess - he looked good.

You moved your hands up his chest over the material, letting your fingers brush over him. You sorted out the hood on his jacket, his eyes flicking between yours and the moments your hands were making on him. He swallowed hard when your fingers brushed over his neck briefly, by "accident" of course.

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