hickey cooties // matt // semi-smutty fluff // request

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summary; "Do you think you'd want to write about the triplets and the roommates making fun of the hickeys Matt gave y/n?"

not proofread, sorry!

warning: swearing, hints at sex (i'ma start adding warnings to these fics)


sometimes you wish that you all could hang out downstairs more often. and you weren't always busy with editing, filming, and shit. just a couple of hours, where you all play video games and do stupid shit, is the best times.

you all aren't acting for the camera, and you're all genuinely having fun. not that we don't have fun on camera, it just gets draining; just as somebody with a normal job would. not being able to worry about saying certain things so you won't get in trouble--not that you say bad stuff anyway; it's just that everyone online gets mad at everything said by anyone. 

all worries are washed away for once, and no one is stressed out like they normally are. 

"get the fuck off me!" nick shouts suddenly, and you look over at the pool to see chris climbing on him, "for fucks sake--" 

"chicken!" chris yells.

you smirk at matt, who's just coming outside with two cases full of rootbeer and pepsi. behind him is nate, who's gonna be doing the grilling today on the portable one they bought. 

you guys would use the one in the corner if you all weren't afraid of spiders crawling out the second that it's opened. you'd all much rather take the chance to buy a new one, which would be given to nate who gets his new house after you all move out. 

it's a winning situation for him really. he gets to get the grill, making it so that parties at his house are just that more interesting. 

although you're sure there's no way in hell he'd be doing any more parties at his place. mainly because of the fact they get nuts really quickly, he's hosted so many parties and they always get too wild, it's practically a death wish. 

the couch broke in this house at one of his parties, you can only imagine what will happen to his when a party is thrown over there. he will be saying bye to a lot more than just a couch. 

especially with this friend group. 

"chicken?" you ask matt, and he grins at you slightly. 

"sure," he sets down both cases of soda by the grill, and then he pulls off his shirt, tossing it onto one of the chairs, "am i getting on your shoulders?" 

"i think i'd die, if i'm being completely honest," you laugh, and he smiles. 

you take a running start at the pool, landing near nick and chris on purpose. so the water splashes all over them, making them a little more slippery than they were originally. 

matt is quick to follow, and when you get out of the water, matt is laughing at the two next to you.

nick is drenched, and chris is wobbling on his shoulders, trying to grab onto anything near him. when in reality, there's nothing to grab onto besides his hair. unless he wants to just fall off.

"alright," matt dips under the water in front of you, and you hop on his shoulders quickly. when he raises above the water, you're nearly at height length with chris. 

if it weren't for the fact they're a bunch of guys, then you'd be able to look at him directly. show him the pain he's about to get when you two start. 

"i'm going to have to warn you," you say to them, smiling, "i grew up with a bunch of brothers, and there's no way i'm letting what i learned fly out the window. 

chris mocks you, and flaps his arms slightly like a chicken. then he completes it with a couple of seconds. 

"and go!" madi yells, she sits on the side of the pool, "go y/n!" 

matt braces himself as you lean forward, slamming your hands against chris's shoulders as hard as you can. nick stumbles back slightly, but on the same token, chris also kicks at you. 

"you're going to regret that," you threaten, "full speed ahead!" 

matt laughs as he goes forward, "i'm glad your light, otherwise this would be a pain in the ass."

"guess how i feel," nick jokes, "i wish it was madi instead." 

"maybe next round!" madi says, she's climbing into the pool behind you guys. 

matt goes forward again, and this time you get the perfect advantage to slam your foot into chris as payback. and just as you expected, they wobble again, but this time they fall backwards.

"yes!" you cheer, and matt lets go of you, so you slide down his back. 

"woah, woah!" chris says, once he's resurfaced, "are-are those hickies?"

you're confused for a second, "who are you talking to?" 

"oh my god, they are!" nate laughs, "nice one, matt!" 

"i can't--" you look down out of instinct, and matt lifts your chin slightly so that he can see better. 

"oops." matt laughs. 

"oops?" nate repeats, "bro, you're a fucking vampire!" 

your face feels a little hot as you defensively splash water towards chris, "shut up, virgin." 

madi and nick start laughing from either side of the pool, and chris dips under the water because he's laughing so hard. he holds onto the side of the pool to stop himself from going under again. 

"you guys have fun last night?" chris continues, not caring about your comment. "it looks like it," nate says. 

"leave them alone," madi and nick say, "yeah, leave them alone," you groan covering them with your hands as you turn away toward the staircase of the pool, "i don't want this anymore-"

matt wraps his arms around you as he pulls you back towards the guys. he doesn't move your hands at all as he presses a kiss to your temple. then, he starts laughing slightly as he looks back at nate.

"do you want a hickey?"

nick starts laughing, leaning against his hand, "let's go nate!" 

"get some!" chris playfully calls, and nate rolls his eyes. 

"nah i'm good brother, is your girl though?" nate asks, "think she needs more?" 

"i'm going to kick your ass," you threaten him.

"sore losers!" matt calls, before he picks you up and spins you around, "forgot we won!" 

"how about i get on y/n's shoulders and matt gets on yours?" madi says, changing the topic talking to nick. 

chris doesn't let it go, "sure you want her hickey cooties?" 

"at least i have a significant other," you stick your tongue out at chris. 

"ouch!" chris says, pushing himself up onto the pavement, "that hurts." 

"good, you're an asshole," you turn to madi, "you ready?" 

she hums, and you go underneath the water, and she climbs onto your shoulders. and when you get up, you see that matt is already on nick's shoulders.

"see, the trick is, go for the groin," you smile cheekily, and matt gives you a look. 

he shakes his head, "don't you dare,"

you smile at him, "payback for the hickies." 

"they're hot though!" 

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