13: waxing crescent in sagittarius

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While Serena was at her desk reading a novel, she noticed an owl standing outside her window.

She opened up her window and the owl handed her the letter.

"Thank you."

The owl flew away.

Serena walked back to her desk and opened the letter. Her mouth instantly dropped to the floor.

Yes, as an angel she was exempt from daytime duties, but she couldn't escape the dreaded night shift. The night shift also known as the Hell Route. Literally. She had to take somebody to hell.

Maestro had died on impact, due to him being an inhabitor of dark magic, he fizzled away into nothing.

Instead, she noticed that it was a teenaged girl who ran an illegal smuggling scheme for her benefit.

The backstories for hell were always more chaotic and interesting than heaven.

Nobody was in the room with Serena, so she transformed into a devil and went out on the balcony.

For a moment, she let the first chills of this autumn night shiver against her skin. She took a breath and flew out into the night sky.

Nikolai was out on his balcony, taking in the same crisp chill of the night when he noticed the devil start to fly in the distance. 

"A devil? What kind of night is it?"

He snickered and smirked.

"This is going to be interesting."

In an instant, he transformed into his classic raven form. He flew off the balcony and started to follow the devil.

Serena was almost at the gates of the academy, praying not to get caught when all of a sudden, she saw a raven fly in her view. Nope, keep your head down and keep on flying.

Nikolai caught up to her almost instantly and cast a spell that would stun her ability to fly for a second.

"Argh! What in the world?"

The stun spell wore off and Nikolai flew onto a tower where there was a small space for him.

Serena's wings lost control and she slowly started to fall down.

But, Nikolai used a spell that was like a rope to carry her up and drag her to him.

Once she was in his space, he pinned her to the wall.

"My my, I didn't know we had devils flying around this academy."

Serena was stunned, Nikolai was so close to her.

"I'm not afraid of you at all. In fact, I'm curious all about you." Nikolai inched closer and his hand grazed down her face.

"Tell me, sweet devil. What dirty deed do you want me to do?"

By then, his lips were getting closer to her face and he kissed her. His kiss was savory, passionate, with a hint of sweetness that leaves you begging for more.

Serena finally got the courage to speak.

"Nikolai. It's me."

Nikolai instantly got out of his trance and froze.

"For fuck's sake, Serena?"

He got off of her and started to back away.

"What did I just do?"

"You probably have a lot of questions." She spoke.

"No shit, sherlock."

Serena folded her arms against her body. Her devil wear had her in all red, with a chainmail bikini that barely covered her assets. It did, however flaunt an hourglass waist which you would not expect from Serena.

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