49: full moon in leo

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After much thought and consideration, Serena had made up her mind. She stayed by Nikolai's side, had her meals, read countless books, and slept near him. She felt his heartbeat and imagined what he could be thinking. Was she there by his side in his mind? Or was his mind an enigma?

When she was ready, she checked Nikolai out of the intensive care and took him into a field that stretched of plain terrain as far as the eye could see. She closed her eyes and her simple everyday wear transformed into her angel garments and she carried Nikolai like he was as light as a feather.

Up into the sky they went, and all Serena could do was hope and pray that her plan would work as she wants it to be, have a happy ending where she and Nikolai could be happy and alive together. Clouds past through both as the realm to heaven appeared in front of their eyes.

Fynn was at the gates and when he saw Serena with Nikolai in her arms, he jumped and flew towards her.


"Take me to mother and father immediately. This is a serious manner."

"Understood! Follow me!"

The two entered through the gates of heaven. Countless angels stopped what they were doing and stared at them.

"Mother! Father!" Serena screamed.

"They should be out right about now."

Serena and Fynn swam through the crowd, until they arrived near the castle where the royal family was socializing with a group of angels.

"Mother!" Serena called out to Queen Lucinda.

She turned around and saw Serena holding Nikolai's body.

"Serena! Oh..... oh my goodness. That can't be."

King Robin appeared from the crowd and reacted similarly to Queen Lucinda.

"Mother, father. I know that this is far from the way that you wanted to meet my soulmate. However, this was a dire case. This man right here.... Is my soulmate. Nikolai Reve."

"Nikolai." King Robin said his name like he was a distant memory.

"Reve. That last name sounds familiar." Queen Lucinda remembered.

"His family. They were...."

"Please!" Serena broke their bickering. "I need your permission to help him!"

"Lay him on the floor. Your arms must be tired." King Robin instructed.

Serena laid him down on the floor, and she felt the empty weight and her even emptier heart.

"This is what has happened. Nikolai and I met when he introduced himself to me. We had a rocky start, a very rocky start. Yet, the more time I spent with him, the more that I realized that there was always that part about him that I couldn't stray away from. He comes off as this cold as ice, dark, doom and gloom, and somebody that keeps to himself. But there's so much more to him than meets the eye. He loves cats and he has a cat that wouldn't want him to expire, his passion for cooking is sublime and he's an excellent cook, he loves his coffee black, but he has a secret sweet tooth, music helps him express how he feels, and when he's with me: I feel complete. I feel that when I'm with him there's so much more to the world and every single day is a new adventure, something new. I can't go on knowing that I cannot save him, I would feel like a failure because I couldn't save the most important person in my life. He is my soulmate, my one true love. I love him. I love him to pieces. I love him even if the world that we're from collapses, I'll love him even if we struggle and live in poverty. No matter what gets in between us, I would still harbor the same feelings and always get the emotion that makes me feel bliss, joy, curiosity, and make me feel like there's more to life than what I was raised on. I know that this was a lot, and I've been dying to get this off my chest since I met him. Such a shame that he can't hear these words from me right now."

Serena's eyes were tearing up and when she looked at her parents, she had made up her mind.

"Which is why I want to perform The Great Sacrifice, in order for him to live again."

Everybody gasped and murmured around while King Robin and Queen Lucinda gave a worrying glance to the other. A few seconds later, they turned their attention towards Serena.

"I know it's so sudden. But please. He deserves to live..." She pleaded.

"We understand your pain. You do understand what happens after you perform The Great Sacrifice, do you?" King Robin warned.

"Yes. I'm aware."

"Then we give you full permission. It's one of the most selfless acts performed by an angel. You're extremely brave for doing this for him."

She got down on her knees and bent towards his body, her hand intertwined with one of his hands.

"Oh, angels of the universe, grant me the power of sacrifice to save my beloved soulmate. In exchange for my angelhood and immortality, let him grant the power to wake once more."

Serena's eyes welled up with tears and she laid on him, while the golden light was transforming from her body to his. All she could pray was that this would work, and he turn alive once more.

When she got up, her long platinum hair turned into a shorter caramel colored style with her side bangs shorter than the rest of her hair, her skin no longer had the glow of an angel anymore.

Nikolai's eyes started to open, and his senses slowly came back to him.

"NIKOLAI!" Serena's excitement got the best of her, and she threw herself into his embrace.

"Serena..." He played with her hair and noticed it was a different color. "It's brown. Dark hair does suit you; it's highlighting all your beautiful features. Not that you're not beautiful already."

"You don't understand how worried I was for you! It's been so long since you last were awake and had all of your senses."

"Hmmmm. No wonder this place looks strange. It's full of clouds and angels."

"I took you to heaven hoping that I could save you. After all the saving that you did for me."


Serena and him locked eyes and their lips met without hesitation. Finally, they were together.

They were complete.

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