Chapter 1

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"Help Me...."
I open my eyes, but saw nothing but darkness. I was laying on my back, but it felt like I was floating. I struggled to my feet and started looking around. I could only see a void of darkness and nothing else.
Am I in a dream?
  "Help Me Jack...." A female voice calls out in the distance.
"Who's there?" I ask.

I looked around, but I still couldn't see anything. "Hello?" I say, but don't get a response.
I started walking, I don't really know to where or to who, but I couldn't control my legs right now. Actually, I couldn't control my wolf, he was taking over and was making me move towards the voice.

As I was walking into the darkness, I started to spot a light in the far distance. The closer I walked to it, the brighter it got. There wasn't really a source for the light to appear, it just looked like a ball of light floating in mid air. It was strange, but at the same time it felt comforting, like a piece of me that has been lost. At this point I relieved that I started walking faster, my wolf wanted it, whoever or whatever it was, he needed it and so did I.
"Jack you're almost there...."

"I'm coming, I'm almost there, just wait right there!" I shout and begin to walk faster. I then realize the light was starting to fade. Fearing it I wouldn't make it, I began to run towards it.
"Jack....please don't give up on me...." She says, and I could hear the pain in her voice. Whoever she was, she was in danger and needed my help. I then have the urge to save her, to protect her, to claim her as mine.
"Wait there, I'm almost there!"

The light starts to fade faster with each step I took. I ran with everything I got, I didn't care that my lungs felt like they were burning, or that my legs felt like giving up. I ignored everything else and ran to her. I was getting closer and closer until I was close enough to reach for it, but the moment my hand can touch the light, it vanishes.

"Wait!" I scream, but it was to late. The light had disappeared and all I saw was just darkness again. I fall to my knees and start punching the floor.
"I was so close, I could have saved her."
I don't know who she is or what she looks like, but I knew she was a wolf and I knew she was my mate.

"I'll find you, don't worry, I'll find you."

I hear a knock on my door and I open my eyes. I realize I'm back in my room and I sit up and look around.
It was just a dream, but why do I still feel her in me.
I hear another knock on my door again. "What is it?" I mumbled, feeling like I got no sleep last night.
"Alpha its 12:45, we leave in fifteen minutes." I look at my watch. SHIT! I over slept..
"I'll be out in ten, tell Nate to order the pack to start loading the trucks." I order.
"Yes Alpha."

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I tried not to think about the dream, but I kept hearing the voice in my head. When I finish, I quickly get dressed and headed down to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

As I walk in, I see Nate sitting on my counter with Clair standing between his legs. Nate is my Beta and also my best friend, we pretty much grew up together. His dad was friends with mine, so Nate was over all the time. I consider him more as brother than a friend. He knows all my secrets, just like I know all his. I trust him with my life and I know if anything happens to me, he would take good care of this pack.

Clair is his mate. They met last year at a bar we were at. Nate sniffed her out in the crowd and ever since then they have been together. She's a real sweet person, but she will call you out if she needs to. She's also very feisty and there have been a few times where I had to scold her.

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