Chapter 10

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It was the day the two packs were supposed to run into each other. Our plan worked perfectly, the bridge was destroyed and thankfully they didn't suspect us of doing it. My men told me that the north pack took the bait and now are moving towards the route the south pack were on, but the fight was still not yet over.

"Alright men, the two packs should arrive at their stop in less than an hour. We will make a perimeter around our camp site and look for any stragglers that might be heading this way. Make sure no one gets through, we will have seven men guarding the outer perimeter and the other five will guard the inside of the campsite incase anyone does slip through. We men watching the fight from a far and will notify me when they spot them. Does every one know what to do?" I say.
"Yes sir!" My men say.
"Good, head to our locations."

Everyone starts heading to their location and I start walking to the edge of the campsite. I walk over to a tree that was tall enough to see over the forest and climb it. When I get to the top I find a sturdy branch to sit on.


A few hours have passed and I haven't gotten any updates on the neighboring packs. We also didn't see anyone heading this way and it was starting to worry me that something went wrong.

"Sir we have a problem." Nate mind links to me.
    "Whats going on?" I mind like back.
    "Come to the campsite....Now!"
    I jump back down and start running back as fast as I could. I didn't know what to expect and many things were running through my head.
Did one of them get through? Did they figure out it was us? I start running faster, thinking the worse.

As I arrived at the campsite, I saw Reed and Nate standing with another guy. I couldn't see who it was because his back was facing me, but something about him gave me a familiar feeling.
"Whats going on?" I ask and then the man turns around.
    "Mark?" I say confused.
    "Hey Jack, nice to see you again." he says.
    "It's good to see you too." I say and I look around to see if anyone came with him.

"It's just me." He says, as if he knew who I was looking for.
    "Does Athena know your here?" I ask.
    "No, she doesn't." He says looking at ground. I was so supervised to see him here that I didn't realize the cuts on his face. His cheek was purple and he had a gash on his eyebrow.
    "I need your help Jack." He says.
    "Need help with what." I ask, but then he freezes in place. "Mark?"

He looks past me and I turn to see who he's looking at. CJ was standing outside looking straight at Mark.
    "How about we speak inside." Nate says. Mark nods and we head inside my house. We all sit in the living room and Marks focus is still on CJ.

"Whats going on Mark?" I ask again.
He takes a deep breath and look at me, "It's Athena. I don't know how much time she has left." He says, and now panic starts to set in.
    "What do you mean she doesn't have much time left?" I say.
    He sighs, "You all seen what happened to Athena when your Luna was insulting our pack."
    "She's wasn't my Luna!" I corrected, sounding a little annoyed. "Sorry, I meant she wasn't my mate." I don't know why but I felt like I had to correct that. I don't even wanna think about Sarah.

Mark just nods and continues, "Anyway... as you guys saw, Athena has a dark side to her, but that's not who she really is." He says, "When Athena was still in her mother's womb. Her mother was attacked by a group of witches. She fought with all her heart, but in the end she didn't make it. When Athena's father found her, he saw what those twisted people had done." He pauses.

He takes a deep breath and it seemed like he wanted to cry, but was trying his best to hold it in. Nate handed him some water before he continued. "When Athenas father arrived at the scene, he saw what those sick people did. They found her body and saw that Athena was cut out of her mothers womb. The witches took her back to their coven and were planing to sacrifice Athena to their god. Thankfully though, Marcus was able to follower her scent back to the coven. When he saw what they were gonna do to her, he lost it. He killed every single one of them all by himself, didn't even care if they pleaded for mercy. He was able to save Athena right on time before they could sacrifice her." He explains.

Hearing the story about what Athenas father did was amazing. To take on a whole coven by himself after you mate was killed and your daughter was taken. I don't know how he did it, but I have so much respect for him.

"Thats amazing, I can't believe he did that." Nate says
    "Ya, it was amazing, but it wasn't enough." He says and we all look at him confused. "When Marcus found Athena, he found out that the witches placed a curse on her." He says.
    "What curse?" I ask.
    "The curse is called the black possession. This curse causes Athena to be possessed by a demon when her mind is at its most weakest and when it does, it only wants to kill whoever gets in her way. Athena was able to control it, but now the curse is getting stronger and I fear Athena will end up losing her self soon." He explains.

I started to remember the dream, and how the voice was telling me that she needed my help. All this time I thought it was just a dream, but now I'm starting to realize it was a warning.

"Athena has been fighting this inner battle for so long, but she's not strong enough to handle this on her own Jack and I'm afraid we will lose her forever if we don't do something." He says.
    "But what can I do? She doesn't want to see me, and if I show up whats not to say she would lose control again. I don't wanna be the reason she dies." I explain. I would love to see Athena again. I want to help her, I do, but how can I if she doesn't let me.

"Jack, Athena loves you, there's no doubt about that. Her anger is the proof of that, she hated seeing Sarah on you. When she turned, her only mission was to get her off of you." He explains.
    "Then why would she tell me to leave?" I ask.
    "Because she was scared, she hasn't had an episode in years. She was scared and only wanted to protect her pack."

I sit there thinking about what to do. Either I go and she has another episode or I don't go and I loose her completely, but just thinking about living a life without her, made me feel empty.
    "Ok, I'll go." I say
    Mark nods "Thank you, but we should leave as soon as possible." He says getting up.
    "I can't, we have neighboring packs that should be attacking each other as we speak. We need to make sure they don't come into our territory." I explain.

"Their are all dead....well expect for three." He says.
    "How do you know?" I ask.
    "I saw them kill each other on my way over here. There was two that headed back north and another that went south." He explains.
    "When was this?" Sean ask.
     "We can talk about it on the way back. I don't think Athena has much time left." Mark says and he was right, we have no time to waste. I don't know how long Athena has and I don't wanna be too late.

"Nate I'm leaving you in charge while I'm gone. We should be ok if it's true. It should give us some more time to think of our next step, but just in case have our men on watch till I get back." I order.
    "Don't worry about us, you just go save your girl." He says.

"Reed you're coming with me, so make sure you're ready to head out in five." I say.
    "I'm coming too." CJ says.
    "No you wont." Mark say. He walks up to CJ and grabs her hand. "As much as I would love for you to come with me. I can't let you get in harms way." He explains.
    "I said I'm going and you can't stop me." She says and looks at me for my support. I don't want to put her in harms way, but I know I can't keep her from her mate, so I nod at her and she smiles.

"She'll be safe, my sister is stronger than you think." I reassure him. I know he doesn't like it, but I'm not in the mood to argue with my sister when Athena could be in trouble.

After packing a small bag, we all meet up at the truck. "Ready?" I ask.
"Are you sure we can't just run there?" Mark ask, looking uncertain about riding in the truck.
"We can't shift like you can, besides this will get us there faster." I say.
We all get in and once everyone was buckled I hit the gas towards the mountains.

I'm coming Love, just stay strong till I get there.

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