Chapter 9

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    "Why do you insist on keeping me hidden Athena?"
        I open my eyes and take a look around, it looked like my room, but all the lights were off. I tried to sit up, but quickly realized I was glued to my bed. I take another look around to see if anyone was in here with me and then I see a shadowy figure standing in the corner.
        "Are you going to answer?"

    I knew who it was right away from the voice. It's the demon that I keep hidden from others. It's the voice that never leaves me alone. It always tries to talk to me, but I've been able to ignore it my whole life, nowadays it's all I can hear. She's constantly trying to make me do bad things, kinda like having a bad conscience with you 24/7. I honestly don't know if it is a female or male, just that it sounds just like me.

    "I will continue to keep you hidden till the day I die. I will never let you harm anyone!" I yell.
    "When will you realize that you need me Athena?"
     "I don't need you." I argue.

    She chuckles in a sadistic way and it gives me a cold chills down my spine. I could feel her coming near me and I continue to try and get up but it felt as if there was an invisible force keeping me down.

I then see a cloud of darkness float above, "You are one of the most strongest Alphas out there, but you choose to live amongst the weak."
    "These are my people, people I swore to protect. You may think they'er weak, but they are one of the strongest groups of people I know and we don't kill for no reason."

"YOU ARE WEAK!" She says and the smoke moves down to my face making me cough. "Not every enemy is gonna wanna talk. You are making yourself and I look weak!"

The smoke was getting thicker and it was getting harder breath. My lungs felt as if they were on fire and it was getting to the point where I couldn't even breathe. "You're wrong!" I scream, but she just laughs. I now can't get any air and I feel my body weakening.


I open my eyes and quickly gasp for air. I looked around and I realized was back in my normal room again. This curse was getting stronger and also getting harder to control. I wasn't any closer to finding a way to break this dam curse and I'm realizing not that I don't have much time until it takes over.

"Athena?" I look up and see Mark standing by the door with a worried look on his face.
    "Hey, did you need something?" I ask, trying to act as if nothing happened.
    "It's getting stronger isn't it?" He ask.

I can't let them know that I'm not alright. I need to be the Alpha they look up to, not worry about. "No I'm fine. I just had a bad dream that's all." I say, putting on my best fake smile.
  "You don't have to lie to me Athena. I can tell it's getting stronger. We need to find a way to break the curse before it's too late." He says.

I get out of bed and close the door behind him. "Will you keep your voice down. I said I'm ok, I can handle this stupid curse alright." I argue.
    "Who are you trying to fool Athena? We can all see that you'er struggling. We need to find Jack, he has more resources then we do, he can help." He says.

"No!" I raise my voice "I already told you Mark to just drop it, I'm fine." I say and try to walk to my bathroom. I can feel my emotions getting out of control and the darkness clouding over my head.
    "Athena you need help." Mark says grabbing my arm. "Jack can...." Before he can finish I slapped him in the face and he falls onto my dresser knocking everything over.
    "I said drop it!"

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