Chapter 6

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Jack showed us to our seat and unfortunately I sat right across Jack and Sarah, which pissed me off. I would be minding my own business and having fun, then I would hear Sarah giggling and touching Jack, clearly trying to make sure everyone knew Jack was hers. I had to do my best to ignore it, because otherwise my wolf would take control and rip Sarah apart.

Besides the obvious flirting, everyone seemed to be getting along and enjoying themselves. I found out Nate has a mate named Clair, she was actually nice to talk to. CJ would tell me hilarious story's about her and her brother, which made him feel embarrassed.

Jack and CJ's mom who they called Mrs. S was very sweet. She'd tell me stories about her days as Luna and how they started their pack with just her and her mate. I wanted to ask what happened to Mr. S, but I felt like it was a touchy subject.
Reed was adorable, I could tell he was trying to hit on me every chance he got. Jack would get after him about it, which would make me laugh even more.

"Athena, will you take me to go see your home some day? I'd love to see it." CJ asked.
    "Oh me too!" Clair says.
     "Sure, maybe one day I'll host a feast for all of you." I chuckle.
    "YES!" They say, looking at each other. I see in the corner of my eye Jack smiling. I noticed him secretly giving me glances here and there, but when I would turn to look a him, he'd look somewhere else.

"I would love for you to show me around too. I would like to see your room especially." Reed winks at me. I hear Sam do a low growl and another on coming from Jack.
   "Reed will you leave the poor girl alone." Mrs. S says.
    "It ok Mrs. S." I chuckle. "He's adorable."
    Reed gives me a huge smile and winks at me. I hear another low growl from both Sam and Jack.

"So Athena, are you mated? It's quite strange to be an Alpha when your just a female without a mate" I hear Sarah say. I turn to look at her. During this entire time she's been plastered to Jacks side and I'm starting to get the impression that he's actually annoyed by it as well.
    "SARAH!" Jack shout.
    "No..No.. its ok Jack, I don't mind really." I say, trying not to cause any more problems. "And as for your first question, no I do not have a mate, nor am I mated. I earned my title as Alpha, because you see, where I come from men and women are seen as equals and not a flashy object." I replay. I see the proud faces of my friends and I see Jack smiling at me too.

Before we know it, it starts to get dark. Jacks people start a big campfire and we all sit around it. Music starts playing and everyone starts to dance. It was nice to see my friends enjoying themselves, especially Sam who was making friends with Sean. I enjoy both CJ and Clairs company throughout the night. I could really see a friendship happening here. Mark and CJ have been talking none stop since dinner. Im glad their getting along as well.

"Well lady's and gentlemen, we can't just end an amazing night like this, follow me to the dance floor." Mrs. S says.
    Almost everyone gets up and follows her, especially Nate and Clair. Mark ask CJ for a dance and she quickly says yes. Sarah drags Jack to where everyone is dancing, but I stay behind and watch everyone dancing and enjoying the music.

I then feel a tap on my shoulder look to see Sean standing behind me and holding out a hand for me. "May I have this dance Alpha." He says and I stand up and take his hand.
"I would love too." I replay.

Reed pulls me to where everyone was dancing and puts his hand on my waist. We both start dancing and honestly it was pretty fun. Even though Reed was a flirt, he was surprising very sweet and respectful, and also very goofy. The air was cool, perfect weather for this. Reed pun me around a couple of times and pulled me back to his arms. We both laughed and I was actually enjoying the dance.

"Excuse me Reed, but may I have this dance." I hear Mrs. S say. I turn to look at her and she had Jack by the arm.    
    "Oh sure Mrs. S" Reed says. She takes Reed by the arm and shoves Jack to me.
"Why don't you ask Athena for a dance son?" Mrs. S says and walks away from us.

Jack nervously clears his throat and holds out his hand. "Um, would you like to dance?" He says. He looked nervous and honestly I was too, so I took a deep breath and smiled.
    "I'd love to." I replied and hold onto Jacks hand. I immediately feel the electricity again, but this time I try to ignore it and pretend I don't feel a thing. Jack then places his hand on my waist and it quickly sends shivers down my spine.

When the music starts again, we quickly start to dance.
    "I hope your enjoying your night?" He ask.
    "I am, thank you." I say "Your people are very nice and welcoming"
    "Ya, their really welcoming once you get to know them. I'm sorry for Sarahs behavior tonight though." He says.
    "You don't have to apologize for your mate Jack, its ok." I reassure him.
    "She's not my mate." He quickly says and I look at him confused. "What I mean is, she's not really my mate."

"I'm sorry, but I'm a little lost. So she's not your mate but she is your Luna?" I ask.
    He shakes his head. "It's hard to explain, but I'm forced to be mated to her, but we aren't mated yet." He explains. Why would he be forced to mate with a girl he doesn't love.
    "Do you mind if I ask why?" I ask, but Jacks spins me around a couple of times and pulls me back in his arms, but unlike Reed, Jack pulls me closer to him.
"It's complicated." He says and my heart is beating so fast this time that I can't really think of anything to say.

Forced to be mated to someone you don't love. That's not what wolves do. He's gonna break his connection with his wolf, why can't he see that.

The music has stopped playing, but we don't stop dancing, more like we don't want to stop dancing. He continues to stare at me and I could feel my face getting red.
     "Jack?" I say with a weak voice. "The music has stopped." His grip on my waist gets tighter.
    "I don't wanna let go." He tells me and I don't want him too either.
"Who are you Athena?" He whispers. "I'm trying my very best not to kiss you right now." He says.

At this point my throat starts to get dry and my legs start to get weak. "Jack?" I gasp with the little air I have left and I see his eyes start to start to shift to his wolf. His face was getting so close to mine and I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine.

"What the hell is this!?" I hear Sarah shout. I pull from Jacks grip and move away. Before I could apologize or explain myself, Sarah slaps me in the face.
    "What The Hell Sarah! She did nothing wrong, if you wanna get mad then get mad at me!" Jack screams.
    "HEY!" I hear Izzy running from behind me. I had to grab her arm to forces her not to attack Sarah.

"Touch her one more time and I'll rip your head off." Izzy threatens. Mark is now by my side and tries to hold Izzy back to.
    "Your Alpha should know her place and stay away from my mate, you mutt!" She argues.
    "Sarah that's enough!" I hear Jack say. My blood starts to boil and I start to shake with anger.
    "What did you just call her." I say.
    "I said control your mutt and put her in her place, or do your people have no manners." She says and I take a step closer to her.
    "I don't t care what you call me or how you treat me, but the moment you come after my friends and my people, then thats when I get pissed."

Sam grabs my arm. "Athena lets go home, your losing control again." He says trying to pull me back.
    "Just keep your filthy paws off my mate. He doesn't want anything to do with you and your kind." Sarah says.
    I try to control my anger the best I can before my secret comes out, but I soon realize it was too late. I feel the warmth of the flames starting to form in my hands and start to feel the urge to kill.
Wait please, calm down. They can't see me like this, not Jack, but it was too late and everything around turns black, except for her.

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