Chapter 18

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    Izzy and I decided too drive into town to get the new shipment of boxes our friend sent over for us. We owned only one vehicle that we all shared, it's mostly for when we get our groceries or to pick up our boxes, other than that we normally travel by foot. I let Izzy drive into town because I have so much anxiety with vehicles, I never really liked them.

    "How have you been?" Izzy ask. "I mean with Jack being gone and Sam doing that stunt."
"I'm ok....I mean I do miss Jack, but I know he has to take care of things back at home before he can come back and my demon hasn't really been bothering me so thats also a good thing." I say, I looking at the passing trees through my window.

Its was actually really weird that I haven't heard from my demon ever since Jack left. She hasn't made a single noise, not even make a sick joke. I don't wanna complain because it actually has been quite nice not having to worry about her.

    "I'm also not upset with Sam anymore, but I wish he would go back to his normal self." I say.
"I'm so happy that you have accepted Jack as your mate. I feel this will make our packs stronger and also increase our number. It also seems like Jack is the key, to keeping your demons away." 

I continue to look out the window. I also feel that Jack is able to control my demon like no one else can. The feeling he gives me, its like no other. I feel safe and protected when I'm with him.

"And don't worry about Sam. We grew up together remember. He just needs some time to figure himself out." She reassures me.

We drove for another hour in silence, until we finally came into town. I hardly come here, it's not really something I feel comfortable with. I love the feeling of being surrounded by trees, not humans. It's where my wolf feels the most comfortable, but when I'm in town, I feel weak and vulnerable. Being around humans and having to socialize with them is not my thing.

We made it to our friend's shop, but instead of parking in the front of the store, we park in the back. Thats where we usually get our boxes from. Izzy and I get out of the truck and knock on the back door.

When the door opens, we see a real tall muscular guy standing in front of us. This guy was seven feet tall, and he looked like he spends too much time at the gym. He must be a body guard or something.

"Can I help you?" He ask.
"We'er here to pick up a package from Jay, name should be under Athena or Izzy." I reply. He doesn't say a word and walks back in, shutting the door in front of us. Me and Izzy look at each other and we decide to wait for him to return.

After a few minutes the door opens up again, but instead of seeing the body builder, Jay comes out instead.
"Jay!" I shout and run up to him to give him a hug,
"Hey hun." He says.
"What in the world are you doing here?" I ask.

"Well I had to come and finish up some new renovations for this place." He explains.
"How long will you be here for?" I ask.
"I actually have to leave at 4 today to catch my plan. I've been here since Monday."

"Wow, and you didn't inform us, Im hurt." Izzy teases.
"I'm sorry, I just had a lot to do with the renovation and the final dates and the new clothing line." He explains.
"Don't worry about Jay, she's just teasing." I say and give Izzy a playful push.

"Well I just finished up here and I have nothing left to do for five hours, wanna get a bite to eat?" He ask.
If it were anyone else I would have said no, but because it's Jay and I hardly get to see him, I agreed.
"Yes of course we would." I replay.
"Awesome! I'll have my workers put your boxes in the truck, let me just run inside and grab my bag."

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