Chapter 2

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After we finished eating our breakfast, we started to load the moving trucks.
"Inform the others to meet me outside in five minutes." I order Nate. He nods and heads out. I make my way outside to make sure everything is ready to go.

Everyone started to show up and once I was sure everyone was here, I started the meeting.
    "As everyone is aware, we will be relocating to a new area that is 23 hours away from here. This is a safety measure we agreed upon to keeping our pack safe from the war of our neighboring packs. We don't know how long this war will last and we can't guarantee that our home will be safe once we return. So I'd advise you to bring any items you find valuable. I will have men here that will be looking after this place while we are gone. I'm sure you are all as heart broken as I am, but keeping our people safe is our top priority."

I would be lying if I said I wouldn't miss this place, its where I grew up, its where I wanted my children to grow up one day, if I ever had kids that is. Thinking about having kids with Sarah just doesn't sit well with me.

"When we get to the campsite, there should be homes already made for everyone. We will have to make more as the months go by, but I think we can manage when we get there. I want three stations set up right away once we arrive. Station one will be in charge of unloading the boxes and furniture. Station two will be in charge of cooking for the pack, and station three will be in charge of patrolling the area, making sure the perimeter is secure. If your unsure what station your in, come speak with Nate after the meeting. Now are there any questions?"

I look around and wait for anyone to speak. I then see one of our elderly women rise a hand. I nod to her, giving her permission to speak. "Will there be a near by town to get any essentials like, soap, toilet paper, hair brushes?" she ask.
    "Good question and yes, our Beta Nate and his mate Clair will do weekly trips to the nearest town which is two hours away. You will all need to wright on a piece of paper of everything you'll need. If you forget to hand in your request, you will then have to wait till next week. Any further questions?" I look around but don't see any hands. "Alright, finish any last packing you have left. We leave in twenty minutes."


"Jack!" Sarah shouts. I sit up from my seat and look around.
That voice again.
    "Jack?" Sarah says again. "Are you ok?"
    "Ya, Im good, are we here." I look out my passenger side window. The only thing I see are trees and a huge open field with 8 empty houses.
I guess we're here.

I open my door and step outside. I let my senses run wild with the smell of pine and fresh water, my wolf starts itching for release. Don't worry, tonight's a full moon, you'll be able to come out then.

I walk around the campsite and see everyone arriving. They all start exiting their vehicles and start heading to their stations. It's almost 8 a.m. and we need to get to work before the sun sets. Sarah gets out the truck and stretch her legs. As much as she irritates me, she thankfully was able to drive the rest of the way so I could sleep.            

"So this is our new hide out?" She ask.
    Sarah sighs, "Well thankfully it's only for a year. I could never live in a dump like this." She says in disgust.
    "I like it, its peaceful." I say taking another whiff of the fresh clean air.
    "When will your mom and sister arrive?" She ask.

My Mother and sister went to a relaxing spa in the cities a few days ago. I wanted my mother to be able to relax and not have to worry about the whole moving processes. I know it's hard for my mother to move out of a home she and my father built together and after losing my father, she's not quite the same anymore. Losing a mate is never easy, but I know she's trying to be strong for all of us.

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