✨Chapter 3 - endless apologies of paradise

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Tree P.O.V:

The car ride back is silent, only broken by the few sniffles from Black Hole. I still don't understand what happened, I don't think I ever will at this point. I don't think they're going anywhere anymore...

It's difficult to focus on the road, I stare blankly at it. As if it was just the background to some extravagant painting. The background...sure it's important, but it's not the focus. I listen carefully, listening for any cries from Black Hole. I look over, their head is hung low. Staring at the floor of my car.

Poor guy...

Pulling into my garage, I sigh as I step out of the car. I open the passenger door, staring at Black Hole. They give a blank stare forward, I tap them gently. "Hey..."

They flinch and turn towards me, "Uh...we're back home..." I tell them, they stare at me for a moment, processing what I had just told them. They nod after a few moments, shakily stepping out of the car. "You okay?" I ask them, guiding them inside. What a stupid question...of course they aren't okay, they just learned aren't able to go home.

They look at me, a sadden expression on their face. "I-I am sorry...for everything..." They mutter, I let them sit on the couch, where we were just a few hours ago. A place they probably though they'd never see again. "I'm...going to go get something to eat. Stay here." I tell them, heading into the kitchen.

I decide to grab some fruit, it's a healthy option. I don't really want them eating junk after...that.

I return to see them fiddling with their bandages, I walk up to them and hand them some strawberries. "Here...you can have some."

They stare at the fruit for a few moments, staring intently. "Wh...what are those?"

I smile, "Their called strawberries...would you like one?" I sit next to them again...it was strangely nice being next to them. I felt safe.

"N-no thank you..." They say, staring at the fruit some more. "I...I am sorry, I am just not in the right place right now..." They admit, picking at the berries. "I am so sorry for causing you such trouble..."

I shake my head, "Don't be...it's not your fault." I tell them, placing an arm on their shoulder. "You can stay here for as long as you need." I say, giving them a small hug. They flinch, staring at me for a second. "Oh...sorry..." I say, pulling away.

Instead, they lean in closer. "I-...apologies...it was nice..." They whisper, holding me close. I smile, glad they were warming up to me. I wrap my arms around them, "You'll be alright...I promise..."

They sniffle a bit, tears soon spilling over their cheeks again. I hold them close to me as they begin to sob. "Shhh...it's okay...you're okay..."

Hiding in my arms, they whimper and crawl closer into my embrace.

"I am sorry, I- am so sorry...I- am....I...really, ⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒, ⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒  ⎎⍜⍀☌⟟⎐⟒  ⋔⟒" They cry, trying to hide themself. I squeeze them tight, wanting them to feel safe. Like I do around them.

"⍙⊑⊬ ⎅⍜ ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⋏⍜⏁ ⌰⍜⎐⟒ ⋔⟒?" 

I look at them, not fully understanding their language. "Hey...it's okay..." I whisper, letting them enjoy my embrace. "I-I do not understand...I-...why do they not love me?"

My eyes widen, "Who? Who doesn't love you?" I ask, holding their hand. They unconsciously squeeze my hand from the touch. "M-my...my family, they left me...they-..." They begin to breakdown again, wailing incoherent words.

"I am sorry, I am so so sorry...I- I did not- I- am so sorry...it is all my fault, I d-did not...I-" They cry, I hold them close, their distressed sounds growing louder.

"Hey...it's okay, you don't need to apologize..." I hush, rubbing their back in slow circles. "Your family is the one at fault, I don't know what happened...but it is not your fault..." I tell them slowly. Letting my words sink in.

"You don't have to say sorry to anyone, it's okay..." I remind them, enjoying their embrace. Their sobs slowly diminish, turning into soft sniffles and whimpers. "I am sorry..." They whimper, holding my torso tight.

I cup my hands around their face, making them look at me. "Listen...stop apologizing...it's not your fault," I tell them, making eye contact with them.

Their eyes are very pretty...

They sit up, wiping their tears. "I...am sorry I cried over something so insignificant..." they say, messing with their bandages some more. I shake my head, how are they so humble?

"Black Hole, don't apologize please...it was clearly significant. I mean, it must be hard realizing you'll never be home again..." I say, letting them lean on my shoulder. "...I sort of get it...as well..." I admit, being unable to look at them.

They turn to look at me, "...what do you mean?" They ask, I turn my gaze back to them. "Uh...my....dad kind of...kicked me out...as well..." I say, rubbing the back of my head to ease the awkwardness.

"Why...?" They ask, "S-sorry for asking...it is probably personal to you..." taking back their question. I shake my head, "No...its okay...you deserve to know..." I sigh.

"M-my dad kicked me out because I told him I was gay..." I whisper softly, I look at them. They look confused, "Gay...? What...is that?"

Crap I forgot how innocent they were.

"Uh-....being gay...is...uh" I begin, how do I word this? "...being gay...means you are attracted to people of the same gender...as you..."

I look at them, seeing if they get it. They seem to understand, having a look of understanding on their face. "So...you like people...of the same gender as you?" 

I nod, "Yeah...none of my family was okay with it...besides my mom...so, I don't really talk to them anymore..."

Black Hole nods, the rest of their tears finally drying up. "S-so...you like...men?" 

I nod, smiling. "Yes...is that okay with you?" I ask, wanting to make sure they...weren't homophobic...I suppose.

I guess I just found it hard to trust people after that

They nod, "Of course I am alright with that...it is not something you can control..." I can't help but smile...

"Thank you Black Hole..." I say, closing my eyes. They nod, leaning on my shoulder. I feel my eyelids getting heavy, I couldn't re-open my eyes even if I wanted to at this point. I yawn, feeling sleep overtaking me. "I'm tired...I think...I'm gonna, go to sleep now..."

I feel them nod against my shoulder, gripping my hand again. "G-good night..." They whisper, keeping their grasp on me. I smile, "Good night, sleep well..."


Word count: 1058

Updates are gonna slow down a bit, maybe every 2-3 days. I need to finish my other requests lol.


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