✨Chapter 27 - It's perfectly clear

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Tree P.O.V:

I step out of my room, ready to head out with my friends. It's been a while...I'm excited to catch up with them.

I walk past a mirror, catching a glimpse of myself. I stop, looking at my reflection intently...Do I look okay?

Would I really want to go out in this? Do I look passable? My mind is clouded with thoughts, swarming my head. It feels as if I was dunked underwater, underneath any understanding.

"Tree? Are you okay?"

I jump, turning around quickly. It's just Black Hole, phew. "Y-Yeah! Just...y'know, looking into the mirror." I smile, shrugging a bit. "...any opinions on...how I look?"

They look a bit taken aback. "W-well you look nice," They say, holding my hands in theirs. I blush, "Really...?"

They nod, "Of course! Why do you ask?" they inquire. I shrug, "I-I don't know...just sometimes I second guess myself..." I laugh a bit, shaking slightly. They nod, placing some of my loose hair behind my ear.

"Well, I think you look great!" They smile, giving me a small kiss. I chuckle, wrapping my arms around them. "Thanks love..."

"Of course, now lets see if Jr. ruined the house again." They chuckle, I laugh along with them. We make our way downstairs, seeing Jr playing with cars on the floor.

"Hi dad!" They beam, running up to Black Hole. They smile, patting Jr.'s back, "Hey kid, what're you doing?"

Cherry Jr. begins to rant and talk all about what they were doing. Black Hole and him continue to converse about whatever they talk about. I smile, grabbing my keys.

"I'm going to go now! Don't trash the house please!" I call out, Black Hole peeks his head out of the door frame. "Okay."

"I'll be home pretty late!" I say, heading out the door. "Okay. Have fun. Love you," They call, I turn back and wave to them.

This will be interesting.



I try and hold my ground as Bottle smashes into me with a hug. "H-hey! Bottle!- Ow!- My ribs!-"

"Bottle let Tree go," Liy says, she obliges and frees me from her bear hug. I suck in a massive breath of air.

"Hehe, thanks for letting me tag along." I say as we walk in. "Don't thank us, we're all a big friend group after all. You just got caught up with stuff, that's all." Pie says. I smile, "Thanks, Pie..."

We sit at a table, chatting about things. Mainly where I've been, didn't think they'd miss me that much.

"Oh yeah! Tree got a new boyfriend!~" Pen sings, I blush punching him. "Pen!"

The group laughs as I attempt to strangle Pen. "Tree! Cut it out! I'm Sorry Okay?"

Remote perks up, "Was he the one I saw when I went to visit you?" I nod, continuing my attack on Pen. "Okay okay, that's enough." Liy laughs, yanking us apart. "Yeah! Leave the murder and death to me!" Pillow exclaims, smiling earily.

"Okay-..." Pen says, creeped out. I shake my head, "I really missed this."

"Well you'll miss this even more!" Pen says, calling a waiter over. Jesus, what did I get myself into?

Cherry Jr. P.O.V:

"How are you so good at Mario kart?"

I turn to look at my dad as they fiddle with the keys on the controller. I smile, "It's simple! And it's fun!"

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