✨Chapter 22 - children born of one Emotion (TW!)

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!! Mentions of Su!c!de, You have been warned !!

Cherry Jr. P.O.V:

It's been a few days.

They're still not awake.

I'm starting to give up hope that they'll ever be back.

Why do I even bother anymore, it'll just be the same. Just like last time. When would it ever be different?

Why would it ever be different?

This is nothing new, you shouldn't be sad...it's just like before...with....

Birthday Cake.

I remember her, she was a bit older than me. We were friends. They were my first friend, actually. She was fun. They liked cake, and sprinkles, and rainbows, and...


...and hoping to be adopted.

Just like me.

We were always wondering when we would be able to be adopted. They'd always talk and talk and talk, it was fun.

We had fun.

We watched all our other friends get adopted. Watching them leave us behind, it was always us. We'd always hang out under that one oak tree. Just us. Sure...we had a few other friends...but I always found myself gravitating towards her.


I remember.

What happened to her...

They left me too one day...they were going to be adopted. Her new family looked nice, I wished her well. We hugged, I was really upset. But I had to be happy for her. But...I thought she left me. Like everyone else had. I thought I would never see her again, but...as long as she was happy.

I guess I would be okay with her leaving me.

Was I wrong?

Weeks passed, I was alone. It wasn't the same without them. They always made me feel welcome, now that she had found a new family.

I had lost mine.


But she came back, after a few weeks. I don't know what happened. But they were back! She was back! Did she miss me? Who cares?

They came back.


The day I saw them again. It wasn't the same.

I remember.

The light in their eyes was gone.

She wasn't the same.

I asked her all about what had happened. About her family, why was she back? Did she not like her family? Did they miss me?

They didn't tell me.

I never figured out why.




I remember the bruises and cuts on their arm.

The mournful look on their face when they came back to that place. Beat up, bruised...

The look of pain.

The look of betrayal, spread on their features.




I remember that day...

The last day I ever saw her.

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