꧁༺ 𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝓑𝓐𝓬𝓚!😁 ༻꧂

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Hello my dear readers. I am not death! I know I haven't written anything for quite a while *cough* about 25 days *cough* Nevertheless, I finally managed to get back on the computer and write something. Even though some have probably already forgotten or dropped this story, I would like to thank those who have come back here and hope they enjoy it. This isn't a chapter yet. But it's coming very soon. And by that I don't mean almost a month again *sweat* But since I thought it might be cool if I told something about myself, I'll just do it. I'll just write down a few things that you like and don't like. You can also skip this and wait for the next chapter, it's not bad. I just thought it might bring the writer and reader a little closer.So, let's get started.

I hate French and sports. (Can't blame me, can you?)

I love to eat!!! Everyone who also loves food, welcome to the club!

I don't have a fixed clothing style. My clothing style is always changing. But at the moment I'm loving cargo pants and baggy jeans.

My favorite food (who would have guessed) is lasagna and Tai Curry. I love both. Could never get enough of the stuff.

My favorite drinks are sodas, But I also like banana juice.

I love painting, reading and writing.

I love music, I couldn't live without it. I have headphones on practically whenever I can.

I'm not particularly sporty

I'm pretty messy and disorganized :)I wish you a nice day or a nice night and will now start working on the next chapter of Rubia de Alger Obelia. See you then (o′┏▽┓`o)

Rubia de Alger Obelia: the twins (WMMAP)Where stories live. Discover now