Meet: part 1

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Nick's POV:

If I want to meet new people I gotta socialize, so I decide that asking the boy what his name is, is a good idea.

"What's your name?" I smile because I don't want him to think I'm mean and rough and throw things at people.

"Charlie Spring. What's yours?" He replies, giggling and smiling.

"Nicholas Nelson, but call me "Nick", you're in year 10, right?" I ask, he's frowning, I must've said something that upset him.

"Yeah, how? You're a year above me." He looks down at his knees then grabs a pencil and begins writing something.

"Sorry if this sounds rude but are you the guy who's gay?" I ask, okay I've now realised how mean that sounds...

"Yeah, you weren't being rude you just heard rumours and wanted to know if they were real, and yes, I'm gay." His smile isn't like the one he had before this conversation.

"Sorry for being nosey, you were right, I heard a rumour during summer and didn't believe it." I laugh.

I feel bad for him, he got bullied really bad last year and no-one helped him.

"So, wanna be friends?" He's smiling like when we said "hi".

"Sure!" I smile and so does he.

My plan worked, if I be nice I can make new friends, I just don't want him to think I'm like Harry Greene. I'd hate that.

"I'd better go find my friends, they were a bit late this morning."

I smile and reply, "Yeah! Just don't get caught by any teachers for 'skipping class', I'll see you later."

Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson? Friends? This year might finally be good for Charlie.

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