A sacrifice and...a stalker?

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Nick's POV:

Tuesday is a nothing day.

Me and Charlie stay in bed until 12pm. We play with Tillie and Leo for an hour. Mum, Diane, Tillie and Leo go to the park and leave me and Charlie alone for a few hours. Charlie falls asleep half way through Avenger: Endgame. Mum, Diane, Tillie and Leo come home at 4pm. Me and Charlie help Mum make dinner while Diane gives Tillie and Leo a bath. We eat dinner together. Watch a movie. Go to sleep.

It's a pretty simple day. Along with Wednesday and Thursday.


It's Friday morning, 7am, and me and Charlie are going back to school.

"Are you boys sure? You don't need to go back!" Mum says as I get my bag ready.
"We'll be fine! I promise!"

I reassure her we'll be ok and we leave the house, hand in hand.


"You sure you're ok?" Charlie asks as we walk into the school gates.
"Mhm! I'll be fine!"
"Is your head ok?"
"It's fine."
"No rugby, Nicholas."
"I know." I groan.
"Tell me if your head starts hurting."
"Will do!"

We get a few stares of fear, probably because of my head, but nothing else.


We walk into form and I immediately notice Sai, Christian and Otis staring at me.

"Char." I nudge his shoulder and gesture towards the boys.

He looks at them and then back at me and nods.

"Hi, guys." I say, pulling 2 chairs over for me and Charlie.

They stare at me.

"Your head, mate! What happened!?" Sai asks with no hesitation.
"Oh. Yeah. I had a fight with my uncle."
"Clearly! Are you alright?"
"Yeah! I'm fine! I get painkillers every so often, so it's not too bad."

There's an awkward pause before Christian starts to speak.

"Are we friends? Like, you're giving me a lot of mixed signals."

I think for a second.

"Yeah. I mean, do you want to be friends?"
"Yes! Obviously! We've been best friends since we were little."
"I've missed you, if I'm honest."
"I've missed you too, mate."

I pull Christian into a friendly hug, patting his back as a way to say "Thank you for everything!"

"So, Charlie banned you from rugby?" Otis asks, laughing.

Charlie nods, laughing.

"Yep! He's going nowhere near the rugby field."
"Not even to come watch you play?" I put on a puppy-face.
"That's an exception!"

We all start laughing.


Charlie's going to rugby today so I've asked Coach Singh if I can come watch.

"Are you sure you're allowed to do this?" Charlie asks as we walk into the changing room.
"Yeah! I've asked Coach Singh and she said it's ok and she'll talk to my teachers."
"Fine! But you're not coming on the field!"

I groan and take a seat beside Charlie.


It's half-time already and Charlie's running over to me to get a drink.

"Here. You need it."

I give him my drink and he takes a few sips before giving me it back, kissing my head, and running back onto the field.

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