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You've caught yourself staring at Jada's sister from across the cafeteria. Her name was Starr, she had just transferred two weeks ago and already had half the school, plus the teachers wrapped around her finger.

It pissed you off, if everyone in the school liked her then it would be twice as hard to even get close to her.

"Y/N stop being a creep and finish eating so we can go home please" Mr. Min said as he grabbed his water bottle. You looked at him in the conner of your eye and continued to eat.

This new schedule that Mr. Min had you on was so draining. The court and the school only allowed you be at school to be in class and once you were done you had to leave.

The only time you had to talk with your friends was at lunch and you couldn't even do that since Mr. Min got your food for you and made you sit alone at a table alone. Eun-Ji and Eun-Ju couldn't even come see you since Mr. Min made the principal switch their schedule, it was like Mr. Min had power over everyone.

You pushed your tray away from you while telling Mr. Min that you were finished. "Finally, I'll clean everything up, go wait for me by the entrance" Mr. Min demanded.

You mumbled a okay under your breath and walked to the front, while walking there you made eye contact with Starr. She was more beautiful closer than from afar. She gave a eye close smile before continuing to chat with her friends.

When Mr. Min finally done, he grabbed onto your arm and walked out to your class.

Class was finally over and you were now in the library being tutored by Mr. Min and it was hell. You didn't know half the words that were coming out of his mouth and at this point you just wanted to go home.

"Y/N are you even listening" Mr. Min asked as he placed his pen down. "No, I'm getting bored and I wanna go home" You complained.

"Well we can go home when you finish studying this, you do know getting higher grades count to your progress, so unless you want me to stay with you forever I suggest you focus" Mr. Min says while pointing at the paper.

You mentally rolled your eyes then asked Mr. Min if you could go to the bathroom.

He looked you up and down then crossed his arms. "You have five minutes and if you're not back immediately then your getting strike two and you're getting punished, do you understand" He threatened.

"Yes sir" You replied with an attitude.

You stood up and walked out the library, not even two step in you bumped into someone. They fell down on the ground while groaning in pain, usually you would just walk away but once you caught a glimpse of who it was you just had to help them.

"Thank you" Starr smiled as she stood up, a small smile grew on your lips as you watched her fixed your clothes. "Sorry I should've been paying attention to where I was walking" You apologized.

"It's okay, oh wait ain't you the girl who kept staring at me at lunch" Starr said as she tilted her head a bit.

You let out an awkward laugh and apologized once again. "Sorry it's just you're really pretty" You replied quickly.
Starr looked at you with widen eyes and laughed. "Well thank you, you're really beautiful too" Starr said.

You both stared at each for a quick second before Starr grabbed something from her purse.

"Uh I don't know if you heard but the school is letting me host a book club meeting in the library tonight so if you want to come then you can" She said as she handed you a light pink card.

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