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You stared at Mr. Min from the back seat with questions racing through your mind. You didn't know if this was one of Mr. Mins test or somthing but he was creeping you out and making you feel uncomfortable.

See, after the book club incident Mr. Min was being really nice and.....clingy.

You didn't mind it at first but then a whole week pasted and Mr. Min was still being clingy.

"Okay Y/N we're here, just stay in the care and I'll be right back" Mr. Min said as he grabbed his bag. "And Y/N if you're good and stay in here then I'll get a treat" He grinned before getting out the car.

You sat there with a disgusted expression on your face. "Ew what the hell" You thought. You took it your phone to see that you had multiple text messages from Starr making your heart drop. You quickly opened the messages to see that it was just Starr asking why didn't come to school today.

You let out a sigh of relief before telling her that you didn't feel well. "Oh Y/N that sucks, I hope you feel better" Starr said. You hummed then told her that you would have to go making yall both exchange goodbyes.

You looked up from your phone to see Mr. Min walking back fo the car holding some papers in his hands.

"Sorry Y/N that took me so long, Mrs. Nala was asking so many questions about you" Mr. Min huffed as he got info the car.

"Can we go now" You asked.

"Yes we can go" Mr. Min replied as he started to car. You couldn't help but roll your eyes, You didn't gave a problem with this new attitude Mr. Min was showing but it was weriding you out.

"Are you okay Mr. Min?" You asked making Mr. Min let out a nervous laugh. "Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be" He questioned.

"You're being weird, that's why" You mumbled. Mr. Min sqeezed the wheel tightly then continued to drive while ignoring you.

Once the two of you got home, you immediately went upstairs while Mr. Min was grabbing all his paper work. "Here let me help you with that" Mr. Min looked behind him to see your father standing there with a smile on his face.

"Oh well thank you Mr. Nell" Mr. Min thanked. He handed him some papers then turned around not noticing that Mr. Neel was reading some of the papers.

"Oh it says here that Y/N gets to go back to her regular life if she continues to have good behavior" Mr. Nell smiled.

Mr. Min frozed and turned around with a scowl on his face, "You're not supposed to be reading thoses" Mr. Min scolded as he snatched the papers out of Mr. Nells hands.

Your father looked at him with widen eyes and started to apologize but Mr. Min cut him off by saying that he didn't need his help.

"You can leave" Mr. Min sternly said before turning back around. Mr. Nell held his head down in shame and made his way inside where his wife was waiting for him.

"Sweetie I thought you were helping Mr. Min" She asked. "I was but he doesn't want help" He replied before walking to his bedroom.

Mr. Min cursed himself as he looked at the paper and ripped it shreds. He couldn't belive that thoses teachers think you were ready to go back to your regular life, he just met you last month and they already think you made progress.

"If Y/N continues with her good behavior then she can return to her old life and you get to get a new student" Mr. Min rolled his eyes as he remembered thoses words Mrs. Nala told him.

You weren't ready, you needed him to help you and keep you in your place. If you went out without him, you would get into trouble and could get taken away.

The thought made Mr. Mins heart drop.

Mr. Min shook his head to get rid of those terrible thoughts then grabbed his papers, hurrying inside.

"Hey Mr. Mi-"

"I don't have time to talk" Mr. Min said interrupting Mrs. Nell. He walked into the guest bedroom and placed the bedroom on the ground.

"Why am i like this" He mumbled to himself as he held onto his head. He truly couldn't grasp on how he got so obsessed with you over one touch.

"I can't let them send me away" Mr. Min thought. If they took him away, then he would never see you again.

And he definitely wouldn't let that happen.

He needed to make a plan that wouldn't get him taken away or you. It couldn't be over the top, since that you make send you to juvenile school and it couldn't be bland.

"Mr. Min are you okay" The sound of Mrs. Nell voice caught Mr. Mins attention. He walked over to the door and opened it to see her standing there with a bottle of water and a bag if chips.

"Sorry if I'm disturbing you, but my husband told me what happened outside and it seems like you're stressed out so I got y-" Mr. Min cut Mrs. Nell of by snatching the items out of her hand and mumbling a thank you.

He closed the door on her face and walked back to his bed. Just as he was about to sit down the sound of knocking stopped him.

"I swear" Mr. Min sighed as he opened the door.

"Sorry but I really wanted to ask if it was really true that Y/N can be excused from her probation" Mrs. Nell asked with a small smile on her face.

"Does it matter?" Mr. Min questioned.

"Oh well I was just asking c-"

"No, it isn't true, Y/N's behavior is acting getting worse so if you would excuse me I will get back to trying to do your job" Mr. Min interrupted. He looked your mother up and down then slammed the door.

"Now I understand why Y/N hates them" Mr. Min sighed.

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