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Starr sat down on the bench, trying to calm herself down. Her attempt to find your "boyfriend" failed and she had no one she could talk to about you missing. It was like no one cared that you were gone, it felt like everyone was happier.

"Hey Starr are you okay?"

Starr looked up to see her friend staring down at her with a worried expression on her face. "No Jenny, I'm not okay" Starr sighed. Jenny shook her head slightly not liking her answer and sat down next to Jenny.

"Starr what's wrong? You can talk to me you know that right?" Jenny said as she placed her hand on Starrs back. Starr glanced at Jenny then nodded her head, "yeah I know" she muttered. 

"Jenny do you know who Y/N is?" Starr questioned her friend. Jenny sat there for a second then nodded her head yes.

"She's my friend" Starr said making Jenny frown "And she hasn't been to school for a month now and it seems like no one has noticed beside me" Starr explained.

"I've tried to reach out to her but she doesn't answer and I've tried to find out who her boyfriend was but I couldn't and now I'm thinking something back happened to her" Starr sighed in frustration.

"Starr are you serious?" Jenny spoke.

"Yes I'm serious why the hell would I lie about my fri-"

Jenny quickly cut Starr off by shaking her head no. "You're friends with Y/N!?, The girl that literally hurt your sister and you're over here being buddy buddy  with her?" Jenny scoffed. 

Starr stood up with wobbly legs "What do you mean Y/N hurt Jada?" Starr asked "It was Eun-ji and her sister who hurt Jada not Y/N" Starr spoke.

"No Starr it was Y/N, she was the one who told Eun-ji what to do" Jenny replied. "That boyfriend you're talking about was probably her mentor, he was here to watch Y/N and made sure she was always on good behavior" she explained. 

Starr stood there in disbelief, she couldn't understand anything that was coming out of Jenny's mouth.

You lied to her.

You hurt her sister, you were the person she was looking for.

"Starr how did you not know this" Jenny spoke snapping Starr back into reality.

"I don't know, I wasn't there at the hearing a-and Y/N was so ni-" At this point Starr was almost having a breakdown. Jenny immediately noticed then and placed her hand on Starrs shoulder giving an emphatic expression.

"Starr it's okay just breathe" Jenny said in a clam tone. She made Starr sit down and stared at her as Starr tried to calm herself down.

"Look it's no you're fault, Y/N is a horrible person who likes to ruin other people's lifes" Jenny says "Now that you know about Y/N just forget about her, whatever happened to her is her business" Jenny spoke. 

Starr nodded her head as she took Jenny's words in.

"Hey look the bells finna ring and I gotta get to class, but if you wanna talk to me then just text me" Jenny said as she gave Starr a tight hug, she gave starr a small smile before walking off.

Starr sat on the bench for a few before deciding that she was gonna skip class. She grabbed her stuff then stormed to the principals office to give him a peace of her mind.

Just as Starr was about to bang on the door, she froze as a realization hit her.

You were gone.

No one in this school had to deal with your constant harassment, Jada could come back to school and live her normal life again.

Whatever happened to you, was Kent to happen right?

You almosted killed Jada, so should Starr have to worry about you?

Starr let out a sigh of defeat then took a step away from the door. You were a bad person and she knew it, but you were good to her.

"Starr what are you doing?"

Starr turned around to see Eun-Ji standing there with her arms crossed. "I was going to talk to the principal" Starr replied with a calm tone.


"It's for a personal reason Eun-Ji, stop being so nosey" Starr sighed. Eun-Ji stared at the girl then scoffed in disbelief.

"You should watch your mouth before you end up like your sister" Eun-Ji threatened. Starr shook her head then turned away from Eun-ji knowing that the girl was just trying to start drama.

"I'm glad Y/N's plan is working on you" Eun-Ji mumbled before walking away.

"Y/N's plan?" Starr questioned to herself "What the hell was Y/N planning?" She thought. 

As Starr was thinking the principals door opened wide to show Mr. Atohi standing there with an arched brow.

"Is there somthing you need miss?" He asked with a concern tone.

Starr stared at him then shook her head no, "Sorry Mr. Atohi" She apologized before quickly walking away.

Starr walked to her class with multiple thoughts roaming through her head.

What was your plan? Why'd you hurt her sister? Why were you being so friendly to her?

And where the hell did you go?

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