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Here you were sitting in a room with some teacher that was teaching you something that you really didn't care about. The sound of ruler hitting your table brung your attention to the female teacher that was staring at you.

"Miss. Nell please pay attention" She said before going back to the board to continue her unless teaching.

While she was teaching the door opened to show two security guards. The teachered looked at you with furrowed eyebrows "Y/N what did you do now" She asked. You looked at her and shrugged your shoulders with a blank face while wondering the same thing.

"Miss. Nell please come with me" The guard asked. You stood up without a fight and just followed the guard to wherever he was taking you.

You tried to ask the guard where he was taking you but all he did was give you a nastu glare and continued to walk. You weren't gonna asked again so you just stayed silent and just continued to follow the man.

"We're here" the guard said. You looked to see that you were standing in front of a bright white room. You looked at the guard with a suspicious look then walked in the room.

"Finally you're here Y/N,I was getting bored" A women said, you furrowed eyebrows confused as you saw the women from your court sentence staring at you.

"Why are you here" You asked with an attitude.

"Well I could tell you why we have to wait for your mentor" The women said. You opened your mouth say something but the sound of the door opening interrupted you.

You turned around to see the same man you saw in school staring at you with a smile.

"What the hell are you stalking me or something" You yelled at the man. The women behind you started to laugh which made you turn around to face her. "What's so funny" You asked.

"Ms.Nell no one Is stalking you, who would want to stalk a wannabe bully" the woman laughed. You furrowed your eyebrows in anger, but just as you were about the yell something the man behind you placed his arm on your shoulder.

"Y/N please sit down" The random man asked. You rolled your eyes then sat down in the chair that was right across from the woman.

"Now, let's get this over with" The women mumbled. She grabbed a yellow file then opened it. "Okay Y/N, my name is Mrs.Nala and his name is Mr.Min and we are here to be your mentors" Mrs.Nala explained.

You opened your mouth to say something but Mrs.Nala quickly stopped you.

"The first thing I want you to know is that I don't play with all that cussing, Bullying and robbing stuff, okay?" Mrs.Nala says. You let out a sigh then let her continue talking. "The man sitting next to me is your mentor, Mr.Min and he will be with you 24/7" She continued.

You looked at Mr.Min to see that he was smiling at you. You quickly made a disgusted face and brung your attention back to Mrs.Nala.

"Mr.Min will be making sure you are acting right and on your best behavior, He will write down your progress and then send all the information to me" Mrs.Nala explained.

"Mr.Min will give you three changes and once you failed those, Mr.Min will report back to me and you will be sent to actual prison" Mrs.Nala finished with a smile.

You looked at her with a harsh glare, "why are yall even doing this, I'll rather be in here than have some creep watching me all the time" You groaned.

"You know, I asked the same question when Jada's parents asked to do the whole thing" Mrs.Nala laughed, she then shrugged her shoulders "The only reason we are doing this is because, Your parents went and begged for Jadas parents to give you a lighter punishment" Mrs.Nala said.

You looked down, slightly embarrassed by the fact your parents could do such a thing. "I hate them so much" You mumbled to yourself.

You looked at the two mentors to see that Mrs.Nala was now standing up.

"Well Y/N if you don't have any more questions then I'm gonna leave so you and Mr.Min can get to know each other" Mrs.Nala smiled.

"Wait I actually have more qus-" You immediately stopped talking when Mrs.Nala just walked out the door ignoring your words.

You groaned then looked at Mr.Min who was now standing up staring at you.

"Well Y/N I guess it's time to go home" Mr.Min said with a smile. You raised an eyebrow confused, "wait are you gonna be staying at my house" You questioned.

Mr.Min nodded his head while saying yes. "Now let's go Y/N before it gets dark outside" Mr.Min says as he walks to the door and holds it open for you.

You sat still for a second then walked out the room with Mr.Min following shortly behind.

You couldn't tell if you were mad or grateful at your parents. One side of you were mad and embarrassed that your parents went to Jada's parents and begged while another side of you was grateful that you were out of that hell hole.

"Y/N is there something on your mind" Mr.Min asked from behind.

You stayed silent and continued to walk to the entrance.

You stopped at the door and watched as Mr.Min took out his cars keys and walked you to his car. Once you were in his car, Mr.Min put your address in the car then started to drive.

"Well Y/N I have alot of things planned for next week" Mr.Min grinned. You didn't reply and just continued to look out the window.

"I was thinking of us playing some games together so we can get to know each other and then probably going out somewhere so we could get comfortable with each other" Mr.Min explained.

You still stayed silent, not caring about single word that was coming from his mouth.

Mr.Min looked at you from this side of his eye and dropped his smile as he made his grip on the steering wheel get stronger.

Mr.Min took a deep breath in and out then put a smile back on his face.

"Dont worry Y/N, I know you'll get to like me very much" Mr. Min said.

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